VT10A0201 Työyhteisöt, viestintätyö ja viestinnän johtaminen - Lähiopetus 28.10.2024-15.12.2024
Kurssilla käsitellään työyhteisöjä, viestintätyötä ja viestinnän johtamista muuttuvassa ympäristössä. Opiskelijat tutustuvat työyhteisöviestinnän osa-alueisiin, viestinnän johtamiseen ja suunnitteluun sekä viestinnän keinoihin ja työkaluihin. Kurssin aikana opiskelijat tutustuvat myös viestintäosaamisen käsitteisiin ja ymmärtävät viestintäosaamisen merkityksen asiantuntijuuden rakentumisessa. Osana kurssia opiskelijat perehtyvät tarkemmin jonkin työyhteisön viestintään.
- Vastuuopettaja: Kaisa Pekkala
YTS012000 Solving Societal Challenges with Data - Contact teaching 2.9.2024-20.10.2024
Massive amount of data is generated every day by public and private organizations around the world. Digital footprints are collected as part of people’s everyday lives and their everyday activities, for example when shopping online, browsing the internet, or using social media. Big data collected has attracted increasing attention over the recent years, and increasing amount of survey, register, and other traditional type of data are openly available. Much of this data remains unutilized, even though powerful analyses for solving societal challenges become possible. This course explores the opportunities and challenges of open data and the benefits of multidisciplinary approach to problem solving.
- Vastuuopettaja: Jaana Laine
- Vastuuopettaja: Antti Puupponen
- Vastuuopettaja: Eero Rantala
YTS012200 Technological Change and Democracy During the Green Transition - Contact teaching 2.9.2024-20.10.2024
Technological change has uneven economic consequences for different social groups and communities. If unmanaged, these economic divides may have undesired implications for democracy such as widening gaps in political discontent and distrust. Such economic divides may even create political pushback against further technological change, some of which are conducive to improving environmental sustainability. This course examines the linkages between politics and technological change, and considers its impact on democracy during the Green Transition.
- Vastuuopettaja: Zhen Im
VTS010400 Organizational and Political Perspectives on CSR and Sustainability Communication - Contact teaching 28.10.2024-15.12.2024
The course covers current theories of corporate responsibility and sustainability communication, including greenwashing. In addition, it introduces theoretical approaches to organizations as political actors in the context of such communication. The course discusses also sustainability reporting, stakeholder analysis and engagement from the perspective of different organizations and actors.
- Vastuuopettaja: Visa Penttilä
VTS010300 Democracy, Soft Power, News & AI - Contact teaching 6.1.2025-23.2.2025
This course focuses on how various emerging forms of influence, soft power and disinformation are challenging journalistic practices and democratic ideals. These themes are discussed in the context of issues related to for example to climate change, sustainability and green transition.
- Vastuuopettaja: Anna Rantasila
- Vastuuopettaja: Hannele Seeck
VTS010100 Global Communications, Soft Power and Climate Change - Contact teaching 2.9.2024-20.10.2024
In this course, we explore how global communication and questions of soft power and geopolitics are related to climate change and other environmental issues. During the course, we discuss various empirical cases that illustrate different aspects of these phenomena and analyse how global communications and soft power shape the narratives with which we communicate about climate change related issues in a complex media environment.
- Vastuuopettaja: Sun Yoon
- Opettaja: Anna Rantasila
YTS011500 Natural Resources Policy and Governance - Contact teaching 28.10.2024-15.12.2024
Governing natural resources in rural/urban and in local, national and global contexts
Major political, economic, and social institutions and organizations
social, economic and cultural questions related to natural resource policies and governance
Key theories and research methods
- Vastuuopettaja: Suvi Huttunen
- Opettaja: Anna Salomaa
YTS011400 Introduction to sociotechnical food, energy and water systems - Contact teaching 2.9.2024-28.10.2024
Introduction to sociotechnical systems in food, energy and water sectors and infrastructures
Sustainability and sustainable change in food, energy, and water sectors
The interdependence of food, energy and water systems
Governance of security, risks, demands, and future development of food, energy, and water systems
Theories and key concepts regarding food, energy, water systems
- Vastuuopettaja: Jenny Rinkinen
- Vastuuopettaja: Hannele Toivonen
YTA010700 Kestävät kaupungit ja kaupunkisosiologia - Tentti 1.8.2024-31.7.2025
Kaupungistuminen ilmiönä: historia ja keskeiset käsitteet
Kaupungistuminen globaalisti ja Suomessa
Kestävät kaupungit: ihmisen, yhteisön ja rakennetun ympäristön suhde
Sosiaalisen kestävyyden haasteet kaupungeissa: eriarvoisuus ja alueellinen/sosioekonominen eriytyminen
Yhteisöllisyys ja vaikuttamisen keinot
Kaupunkisuunnittelu ja kriittiset järjestelmät kaupungeissa
- Vastuuopettaja: Visa Rantanen
YTA010600 Keskinäisyysriippuvuuksien globaali maailma - Tentti 1.8.2024-31.7.2025
Globaalien keskinäisriippuvuuksien kehitys ja merkitys yhteiskuntien kehityksessä ja kansainvälisessä toiminnassa
Keskinäisriippuvuus ja taloudellinen kehitys
Instituutiot ja valta keskinäisriippuvuuksissa
- Vastuuopettaja: Jaana Laine
- Vastuuopettaja: Visa Rantanen
YTA010500 Yhteiskehittäminen ja kanssatutkijuus -kenttäkurssi - Monimuoto-opetus 6.1.2025-20.4.2025
Yhteiskehittämisen (co-creation, co-development) sekä palvelumuotoilun lähtökohdat ja perusmenetelmät yhteiskuntatieteissä
Kokeilukulttuuri osana politiikkaa sekä yhteisöjen ja organisaatioiden kehittämisessä
Toteutetaan ryhmätyö yhteiskehittämisen periaatteita noudattaen
- Vastuuopettaja: Jaana Laine
- Vastuuopettaja: Antti Puupponen
YTS011300 Robots & AI in Society - Contact teaching 28.10.2024-15.12.2024
Definitions on the contemporary capitalism: economy of knowledge; cognitive capitalism; surveillance capitalism; neo-feudalism. Perspectives of different advanced technologies (e.g., robots, artificial intelligence, and virtual agents).
Robots and artificial intelligence (AI) within the workspace: enhancing, replacing, controlling.
Current social scientific research on the relationships between people and robots or AI.
The social factors and impact of robots and AI on people’s behaviour, thinking and everyday life, and how to examine them from the perspectives of social sciences and social sustainability.
- Vastuuopettaja: Rodrigo Santaella Goncalves
- Vastuuopettaja: Nina Savela
YTS011000 Political Economy of Digital Transformation - Contact teaching 6.1.2025-23.2.2025
The intertwined relations between macro-social and macro-economic processes in the digital economy: digitalization, datafication, platformization, and financialization
Data and digital platforms: the role of Big Tech companies
Labor, automation, and AI
Digitalization of money and finance
States and the geopolitics of digital economy
Disputes around the definition and regulation of the new digital economic activities and sectors
Reficonguration of social classes and economic production
Vigilance, social control, and old/new asymmetries and inequalities of power in digital society
- Vastuuopettaja: Edemilson Cruz Santana Junior
YTS010900 Work in the Digital Age - Blended teaching 6.1.2025-23.2.2025
Chatbots replace humans? Telecommuting makes it easier to strike a work-life balance? Health care apps can help older workers to retire later? These and similar questions have been publicly discussed since computer use at work increased. However, the answers are not always that simple, and they keep on changing as digital technologies continue to evolve. This course explores how digital technologies alter our working lives and our retirement transitions, looking into differences across technologies and countries.
- Vastuuopettaja: Kathrin Komp-Leukkunen
YTS010700 Public Policy Analysis - Online teaching 6.1.2025-23.2.2025
From environment to pensions, policies are a central instrument for steering societies. To better understand these policies, a range of analyses instruments can be utilized. This course explains what policy analyses are and discusses when and why such analyses are conducted. Moreover, it explains what methods can be used for analyzing policies. Finally, it highlights what findings policy analyses can render.
- Vastuuopettaja: Ilona Bontenbal
YTS010600 Economy and Society - Contact teaching 28.10.2024-15.12.2024
The social character of the economy: core topics in economic sociology, political economy and heterodox economics
The origin and peculiarities of the capitalist economic system
The importance of innovation and technology
Capitalism and democracy: the role of politics in a liberal economic order
Welfare states and markets: the limits of state regulation and social control of the capitalist economy
The relationship between the capitalist market economy and modern culture: behaviors, values, ideas and institutions
- Vastuuopettaja: Edemilson Cruz Santana Junior
YTS010500 Transition Studies and Innovation Policy - Contact teaching 28.10.2024-15.12.2024
The course provides an introductory exploration of sustainability transitions and innovation policy, equipping students with an understanding of the core principles, key concepts, and analytical frameworks in transition studies.
Introduction to transition studies, key concepts and theoretical frameworks
Historical examples of technological transitions and their drivers
The role of innovation and technology in sustainability transitions
Policy instruments for fostering sustainability transitions
The role of different actors in sustainability transitions
Governance and stakeholder engagement in sustainability transitions
Case studies of sustainability transitions in various sectors and geographies
Justice and equity considerations in sustainability transitions
- Vastuuopettaja: Salvatore Ruggiero
YTS010301 Methodological Tools to Study Social Media - Contact teaching 28.10.2024-17.12.2024
Planning, conducting, reporting, and evaluating social scientific research of technology topics.
Various qualitative and quantitative methodological tools for data collection and analysis.
Choosing appropriate methods and research designs for research questions within technology research topics.
- Vastuuopettaja: Iina Hellsten
- Vastuuopettaja: Eero Rantala
- Vastuuopettaja: Nina Savela
- Vastuuopettaja: Minna Vigren
YTS010201 Methodological Tools to Study Sustainability - Contact teaching 6.1.2025-23.2.2025
Planning, conducting, reporting, and evaluating social scientific research on sustainability.
Various qualitative and quantitative methodological tools for data collection and analysis.
Choosing appropriate methods and research designs for research questions within sustainability theme.
- Vastuuopettaja: Nooa Nykänen
- Vastuuopettaja: Eero Rantala
- Opettaja: Iina Hellsten
- Opettaja: Minna Vigren
YTS010000 Introduction to M.Sc. studies - Contact teaching 2.9.2024-20.10.2024
Introduction course for students who have Bachelor’s degree from other university than LUT University.
The Orientation Days activities.
Practical study-related information. LUT library collections, databases, reference practices, copyrights, information security, career planning and cultural difference related issues.
Degree requirements and planning of Master's studies, preparation of the individual study plan. Study and exam culture in LUT.
Research areas of Social Sciences and School of Engineering Science.
- Vastuuopettaja: Jaana Laine
- Vastuuopettaja: Antti Puupponen
- Vastuuopettaja: Anna Rantasila
- Opettaja: Jenny Rinkinen
- Opettaja: Rodrigo Santaella Goncalves
- Opettaja: Jari Taipale
- Opettaja: Hanna Värri