- Responsible teacher: Lassi Aarniovuori
- Responsible teacher: Dong Liu
- Учитель: Rasmus Suojansalo
BL30A1050 Electrical Drives 2 - Blended teaching 28.10.2024-15.12.2024
Theory of electric motor drives, operation and vector equivalent circuits. Synchronous machine drives, asynchronous machine drives, synchronous reluctance machine drives, permanent magnet synchronous machine drives, switched reluctance motor drives. Torque production in different machines. Power electronic converters suitable for motor and generator drives. Vector control, direct flux linkage control and direct torque control (DTC). Motor cable wave nature, bearing currents. Applying the principles for practical electrical machine types.
- Responsible teacher: Ilya Petrov
- Учитель: Juha Pyrhönen
- Учитель: Daniil Zadorozhniuk
BL30A1040 Electrical Drives 1 - Blended teaching 2.9.2024-20.10.2024
Theory of electric motor drives, operation and vector equivalent circuits. Torque production in different machines. Power electronic converters suitable for motor and generator drives. Scalar control, vector control, direct flux linkage control and direct torque control (DTC). Permanent magnet synchronous machine drives.
- Responsible teacher: Ilya Petrov
- Учитель: Dong Liu
- Учитель: Juha Pyrhönen
- Учитель: Daniil Zadorozhniuk
BL30A1030 Electrical Machines - Blended teaching 28.10.2024-15.12.2024
Classification of electrical machines, the electromagnetic principles governing the operation and dimensioning of electrical machines, the windings of an electrical machines, performance calculation of electrical machines.
- Responsible teacher: Janne Nerg
- Учитель: Valerii Abramenko
- Учитель: Dong Liu
- Учитель: Shruti Singh
- Учитель: Konstantin Vostrov
BL40A0510 Digital Control 1 - Blended teaching 2.9.2024-15.12.2024
Basics of sampling theory and discrete modelling, discrete transfer function, continuous time and discrete state-space model. Sampled-data systems. Frequency response of discrete system,root-locus method. Stability and performance of a discrete system. Basic digital control algorithms and their tuning. Practical aspects of implementations of digital controllers. Direct compensator design, Dead-beat controller Two-degree of freedom control. Observers and state-feedback.
- Responsible teacher: Tuomo Lindh
- Учитель: Miisa Lopperi
BL10A7002U Tekniikan kandidaatin tutkinnon työkokemus ulkomailla - Työkokemus 2.9.2024-31.7.2025
Työnhaku ja rekrytointi, työsuhteen aloittamiseen liittyviä tehtäviä (esim. perehdytys, työsuhteen ja työpaikan pelisäännöt), työyhteisön toimintojen havainnointi (esim. töiden/tuotannon organisointitavat, johtaminen, työyhteisön/tiimien työskentelytavat, työpaikan sosiaalinen toiminta) ja työskenteleminen työsuhteessa.
- Responsible teacher: Jan-Henri Montonen
BL10A7002 Tekniikan kandidaatin tutkinnon työkokemus kotimaassa - Työkokemus 2.9.2024-31.7.2025
Työnhaku ja rekrytointi, työsuhteen aloittamiseen liittyviä tehtäviä (esim. perehdytys, työsuhteen ja työpaikan pelisäännöt), työyhteisön toimintojen havainnointi (esim. töiden/tuotannon organisointitavat, johtaminen, työyhteisön/tiimien työskentelytavat, työpaikan sosiaalinen toiminta) ja työskenteleminen työsuhteessa.
- Responsible teacher: Jan-Henri Montonen
BL40A2055 Wireless Communications - Blended teaching 2.9.2024-15.12.2024
1) Access of shared wireless medium;
2) Layers for different network functionalities and slices for different application requirements;
3) Digital modulation, communication channels, demodulation, and coding: designing principles and fundamental limits;
4) Time, frequency and space in wireless communications: orthogonality, propagation, and multiple antennas;
5) Performance analysis of communication systems using ns3 simulator;
6) Wireless communications as an enabler of cyber-physical systems.
- Responsible teacher: Pedro Juliano Nardelli
- Учитель: Flavio Cunha da Silva Ferreira
- Учитель: Pedro Goria Silva
BL50A1700 Elektroniikan projekti - Lähiopetus 2.9.2024-20.4.2025
Kuten kurssin nimi kertoo, kurssilla tehdään elektroniikka-aiheinen projekti. Kurssilla oppii siis projektimaista työtapaa eli projektilla on alku, keskivaihe ja loppu ja se alkaa projektisuunnitelmalla ja päättyy projektin päätösraporttiin. Projektissa tehtävän laitteen speksaaminen alkaa luonnollisesti heti projektisuunnitelmaan kuuluvalla vaatimusmäärittelyllä, josta saadaan myös valmiin laitteen arviointikriteerit.
Projektitiimin järjestäytymiseen noudatetaan kurssilla tarjoiltua mallia, jossa projektitiimi itse projektipäällikkövetoisesti tekee projektina jonkin elektronisen kokonaisuuden. Projektitiimi asettaa itse aikataulunsa kurssin raameissa ja resurssinsa (aika, raha ja työtunnit).
Sähkötekninen sisältö vaihtelee vuosittain projektin mukaan, mm. elektroniikkakomponenttien käytännön ominaisuudet, elektroniikkasuunnittelu ja terminen mitoitus käytännössä, sulautetun järjestelmän suunnittelu, toteutus ja ohjelmointi, häiriösuojaus, tehoelektroniikan sovellukset, laitteen suojaus ym.
- Responsible teacher: Janne Jäppinen
- Учитель: Mikko Kuisma
BL50A1601 Elektroniikan laboratoriotyöt 2 - Laboratoriotyöskentely 2.9.2024-20.4.2025
Elektroniikan laboratoriotyöskentely ja haastavat mittaukset. Piirilevyn suunnittelu ja valmistusprosessi. Komponenttien epäideaalisuudet. Differentiaaliparit ja balansoidut linjat.
- Responsible teacher: Tommi Kärkkäinen
BL50A1401 Analogiaelektroniikka 2 - Monimuoto-opetus 2.9.2024-15.12.2024
Elektroniikan peruskomponentit, diodit, transistorit, integroidut piirit. Differentiaali-, operaatio- ja instrumentointivahvistimet. Moniasteiset vahvistimet ja takaisinkytkennät. Tehovahvistimet. Oskillaattorit. Analogiset erikoispiirit. Yleisimmät operaatiovahvistinkytkennät.
- Responsible teacher: Jesse Tolvanen
BL50A0600 Electromagnetic Compatibility in Power Electronics - Online teaching 2.9.2024-20.10.2024
Power electronics as an interference source, network harmonics, reflection phenomena of cables, conductive RF interference, interference radiation of power electronics, filtering techniques of conductive interference.
- Responsible teacher: Juhamatti Korhonen
- Учитель: Pertti Silventoinen
BL50A0503 Elektroniikan laboratoriotyöt 1 - Laboratoriotyöskentely 2.9.2024-20.4.2025
Elektroniikan laboratoriotyöskentely ja prototyyppitestaus, perusmittalaitteiden käyttö, elektroniikkasuunnittelun perusteet, elektroniikan testaussuunnittelu, vianhaku, käsinjuottaminen, elektroniikkapiirien simuloinnin perusteet, projektityöskentely.
- Responsible teacher: Tommi Kärkkäinen
- Responsible teacher: Katriina Korpinen
- Учитель: Mikko Nykyri
- Учитель: Sakke Simpura
BL50A0021 Elektroniikan perusteet 1 - Verkko-opetus, suomeksi 28.10.2024-15.12.2024
Analogiset ja digitaaliset signaalit, vastukset, kondensaattorit ja kelat, suodatus, vahvistus, puolijohteet, diodi ja transistori, digitaalisen logiikan alkeet, johdanto elektroniikan valmistustekniikkaan.
- Responsible teacher: Mikko Kuisma
BL40A3010 Introduction to Electrochemical Energy Storage and Conversion Technologies - Blended teaching 2.9.2024-15.12.2024
The course provides the student an introduction to the significance and development potential of electrochemical energy conversion technologies and electrochemical energy storages.Focus is on the electrochemical energy conversion methods as a part of the renewable electricity driven energy and material systems.The lectures give an overview of the batteries, water electrolysis, and hydrogen storages.The course consists of lectures combined with weekly exercices.
- Responsible teacher: Pertti Kauranen
- Учитель: Erno Karkia
- Учитель: Rubab Zahra
BL30A1440 Electric and Hybrid Vehicle Powertrains - Online teaching 2.9.2024-15.12.2024
Electric and hybrid powertrain solutions in several vehicle types, including road and off-road vehicles, marine, rail traffic and aviation applications.
Drivers to electric and hybrid vehicle powertrains, requirements, technology (power electronics, electric machines, energy storages, mechanics), drive cycles, dimensioning and design.
- Responsible teacher: Lasse Laurila
BL40A2810 Automation - Blended teaching 2.9.2024-15.12.2024
IEC61131-3 programming languages, Different POUs (programs, functions and function blocks), Sensors, Automation hardware and software. Fieldbuses. Utilizing Simulink models in PLC systems. C/C++ languages in PLC systems. HMI, OPC, IoT in automation. Introduction to safety in automation.
- Responsible teacher: Tuomo Lindh
- Учитель: Jan-Henri Montonen
- Учитель: Juho Ovaska
BL40A2700 System Engineering Project Work - Contact teaching 2.9.2024-23.2.2025
The students will analyze and design a selected electrical energy conversion system in the field of industrial electrical drives, renewable energy conversion or a motion control system. The topics are linked to an on-going research or industrial co-operation in the above-mentioned fields. The project work includes several partly alternative system engineering tasks, such as project planning, preliminary system design, dynamic modelling and simulation, component dimensioning, electrical dimensioning, control design, automation design, control software design and project documentation. The tasks are project dependent and will be defined in the project plan.
Introduction to a system engineering approach in technical projects. Project documentation, different tasks in project work, project planning and implementation, example projects, execution of system engineering tasks, project documentation and presentation. The main result of the project work is technical project documentation including an overall description and the results of agreed system engineering tasks.
- Responsible teacher: Tuomo Lindh
- Учитель: Jan-Henri Montonen
BL40A2070 5G - A Friendly Introduction - Online teaching 1.8.2024-30.7.2025
The main goal of this course is to make a student familiar with 5G communication standard from industrial perspective. Brief introduction of the main technologies and methods like millimetre waves, beam forming, and network slicing will be discussed to give a good foundation for further research. At the end of the course the student be able to understand basics of technologies used in 5G and understand the impact they bring to energy, transportation and other industries. This will allow the student to better understand how 5G can be used in their field of work and study and spark interest for further research on this topic.
- Responsible teacher: Pedro Juliano Nardelli
BL40A2060 Internet of Things – Introduction - Online teaching 1.8.2024-30.7.2025
This course will introduce the role of IoT in modern life as well as basics of concepts that are necessary to understand IoT systems. The definitions and explanations for the terms System, Information, and Network will be considered in the first part of this course. Later we will learn about applications of theoretical concepts in some practical cases. The course is designed for people who want to understand what role IoT systems play in Fourth Industrial Revolution known as Industry 4.0 and to help them find relevant applications for these technologies in their work and studies. The course is divided into 4 chapters, each has theoretical part and a short assignment in a quiz form at the end, as follows: 1. Introduction; 2. Systems, Information, and Networks; 3. Probability and Game Theory; 4. Applications of IoT systems.
- Responsible teacher: Pedro Juliano Nardelli