BK60A1001 Control of Mechatronic Machines - Blended teaching, Lahti 6.1.2025-20.4.2025
The course gives an introduction to control in the context of mechatronic machines. As such, it gives a solid foundation of system dynamics and feedback control with a focus on common linear control and analysis methods. Both frequency and time domain methods for system analysis and control design are treated. Moreover, common kinds of industrial servo control systems are introduced, with a focus on electric and hydraulic actuation. Throughout the course, it is discussed how model knowledge is employed for control design and system analysis. Control design, analysis, and simulation are conducted mostly in Matlab / Simulink in this course. The course also contains substantial practical realizations and implementations of controllers, which is mostly done with small mechatronic hardware kits and compatible software.
The course's theoretical content includes:
- Introduction to control and its relation to mechatronics
- System dynamics, in particular of linear systems in time and frequency domain
- Feedback control with a focus on linear methods
- Actuation in mechatronic machines
- An intensive course on “Advanced Kinematics and Control of Wheeled Mobile Robots” in the autumn intensive week preceding the main part of the course (only for students who choose the implementation in Lahti).
- Vastuuopettaja: Henrik Ebel
BK80A3201 Johdatus mekaniikkaan - Monimuoto-opetus 2.9.2024-20.10.2024
Samaan pisteeseen vaikuttavien voimien yhdistäminen, voiman staattinen momentti, voimaparin momentti, partikkelin ja jäykän kappaleen tasapainoehdot, rakenteen sisäiset rasitukset, partikkelin kinematiikka, voimayhtälöiden, energiaperiaatteen ja impulssin sekä liikemäärän periaatteen soveltaminen partikkeleille. Yleisesti: Differentiaalilaskennan ja vektorianalyysin käyttö opintojakson aihepiireissä.
- Vastuuopettaja: Alex Rosu
BK10A7000 Individual Project Work - Monimuoto-opetus 3.6.2024-14.6.2024
The aim of this course is to:
- Give the students a deeper understanding on mechanical engineering in a specialized area, e.g. industrial design engineering and related topics, design of welded metal structures, laser processing and additive manufacturing to support innovative product design, mechatronics, machine dynamics, material selection in modern engineering and industrial design or sustainable production including applications of packaging technology
- Give support for solving practical problems in industry and industrial design and give also a vision about entrepreneurship
- Prepare the students to apply both practical project management tools to take care of an engineering project and also apply scientific approaches
- Prepare students to start their coming M.Sc. thesis smoothly
A specific individual project will be carried out preferably in an industrial company or in exceptional cases in one of the laboratories of the department of Mechanical Engineering at LUT. The project is planned together with the supervisor (lecturer) and the company and the topic should focus especially to problem solving in industry. The course module highlights the aspects of entrepreneurship. In some exceptional cases the content of the project could consist of laboratory work and literature research together with reporting and article writing. In some exceptional cases the project can be completed also as teamwork.
- Vastuuopettaja: Harri Eskelinen
- Vastuuopettaja: Katriina Mielonen
BK10A4101 Modern management and leadership in engineering - Monimuoto-opetus 3.6.2024-7.6.2024
The content of the course consists of nine main themes as follows:
1. Differences between information management and knowledge management.
2. Social media and leadership and management: challenges and possibilities related to different social media channels.
3. Leadership vs. management including the following issues: different leadership styles (coaching, visionary, servant, autocratic, Laissez-faire or hands-off, democratic or participative, pacesetter, transformational, transactional and bureaucratic leadership).
4. Principles for understanding different cultural backgrounds.
5. Leadership in line and matrix organizations.
6. Change management vs. change leadership.
7. Leadership and management in digital networking environments in engineering.
8. How to recognize and handle stress including the following issues: Stressful situations in different leadership and management positions, signs of stress, ways to relief the recognized stress.
9. The future trends of modern leadership and management in engineering.
- Vastuuopettaja: Tapio Saarelainen
- Opettaja: Harri Eskelinen
- Opettaja: Katriina Mielonen
BK10A1201 Research Methods and Methodologies - Monimuoto-opetus 3.6.2024-7.6.2024
Learning outcomes:
The learning outcomes of this course are mostly related to support research activities in the field of mechanical engineering. The main learning outcomes are as follows:
- Criteria to evaluate the scientific contribution of research
- Scientific research projects especially in mechanical engineering
- Principles of qualitative and quantitative analysis
- Reliability aspects and utilization of triangulation especially for research work in the field of mechanical engineering
- Viewpoints on how to illustrate the results of quantitative analysis
- Different means to carry out literature reviews, interviews and surveys
- Utilization of silent knowledge
- Contents and structures of research plans and reports s based on the IMRAD principle and C.A.R.S. model
- Vastuuopettaja: Harri Eskelinen
- Vastuuopettaja: Katriina Mielonen
BK10A6801U Work Experience in Master's Degree - Harjoittelu 2.9.2024-31.7.2025
The student obtains a job from a company aboard, works as a paid employee, requests a certificate of employment and applies for the approval of the work as an experience for the Master's degree. Full-time employment relationships of at least four weeks can be approved as experience. The job should be from the field of student’s specialization studies in mechanical engineering. The completion of the Master's thesis is not accepted as an experience. An employment relationship can be approved as an experience providing that it has not been accepted or included to any other course modules or in any other previous degree. An employment relationship that took place before M.Sc. level studies cannot be approved as an experience. The experience should support student's specialization studies in mechanical engineering.
- Vastuuopettaja: Harri Eskelinen
BK10A6900 Digitalised Design, Simulation and Production Tools and Applications - Contact teaching, Lahti 18.11.2024-29.11.2024
The content cuts through the product processes that are related to mechanical engineering during the lifecycle of a product. The content touches subjects such as design, analysis and simulation of machines that is typically related to design phase of the products. The course path flows towards digital methods in manufacturing taking into consideration different manufacturing methods ranging between conventional machining and the most advanced, modern 3D printing initiatives. Additionally, the content includes the aspects of sustainability, after sales services, recycling and rebirth enabled and supported by digital methods in mechanical engineering.
- Vastuuopettaja: Tuhin Choudhury
- Vastuuopettaja: Janne Heikkinen
- Vastuuopettaja: Jussi Sopanen
BK80A4000 Mekaniikka I - Monimuoto-opetus suomeksi 2.9.2024-15.12.2024
Ekvivalentit voimasysteemit, staattisen voiman ja voimaparin aiheuttama momentti, partikkelin ja jäykän kappaleen tasapaino 2D-tilanteessa, voima ja kiihtyvyys, työ ja energia, impulssi ja liikemäärä. Törmäykset, impulssikuormat, 1. vapausasteen värähtelijä, pakkovärähtely, vaimennettu värähtely.
Pähkinänkuoressa: 2D-statiikkaa ja dynamiikkaa partikkelille ja jäykälle kappaleelle.
- Vastuuopettaja: Olli-Pekka Hämäläinen
- Opettaja: Risto Haimila
BK80A4000 Engineering Mechanics I - Blended teaching in English 2.9.2024-15.12.2024
Ekvivalentit voimasysteemit, staattisen voiman ja voimaparin aiheuttama momentti, partikkelin ja jäykän kappaleen tasapaino 2D-tilanteessa, voima ja kiihtyvyys, työ ja energia, impulssi ja liikemäärä. Törmäykset, impulssikuormat, 1. vapausasteen värähtelijä, pakkovärähtely, vaimennettu värähtely.
Pähkinänkuoressa: 2D-statiikkaa ja dynamiikkaa partikkelille ja jäykälle kappaleelle.
- Vastuuopettaja: Olli-Pekka Hämäläinen
- Opettaja: John Bruzzo Escalante
- Opettaja: Barbara Horvath
BK10A1302 Tekniikan kandidaatin tutkinnon työkokemus kotimaassa - Työkokemus 2.9.2024-31.7.2025
Opiskelija hakeutuu konetekniikan alan yritykseen (kesä)töihin, työskentelee siellä työntekijänä työsuhteessa, pyytää työstä työtodistuksen ja hyväksyttää työn tekniikan kandidaatin tutkinnon työkokemukseksi. Työkokemukseksi hyväksyttävän työsuhteen kesto on vähintään 4 viikkoa kokoaikaisessa työsuhteessa. Opintopisteiden määrä 0-10 op määräytyy työsuhteen keston ja työn sisällön mukaan. Kandidaatintyön tekemistä ei hyväksytä työkokemukseksi. Työkokemuksen sisällön tulee liittyä konetekniikkaan ja työkokemus on hankittava kandivaiheen opintojen aikana.
- Vastuuopettaja: Harri Eskelinen
BK50AJ105 Design for Manufacturability and Assembly (DFM/DFMA) - Blended teaching 2.9.2024-20.4.2025
Part I. Theory.Manufacturability. Interest Areas. Models of Design Processes. Principles of DFM/DFMA. Design Management Systems. Framework of Quality Engineering. Concurrent Engineering Design.
Part II. Applications.Computer Aided CE. Cross-Technological Approaches for Supporting Effective CE-processes. Collaborative-Concurrent Design.Applications of VM and IPT's in a CE-process. Applications and Aspects of DFM/DFMA for Various Product and Production Types, Manufacturing Technologies and Hybrid- and Multiprocessing Methods.
- Vastuuopettaja: Harri Eskelinen
BK50A6006 Product Design, Visualization and Production Process - Blended teaching, Lahti 2.9.2024-20.4.2025
- Product design process and development considering the user
- Product development process and project management?
- Product manufacturing methods and technologies
- Product design visualization
- 3D rendering and visualization
- Related knowledge on symbols of technical drawing
- Advanced solid modelling
- Product areas and materials
- Key concepts and methods of product design
- Process selection, development, and optimization
- The relation between user and product
- Functional and technical requirements from engineering perspectives
- Vastuuopettaja: Amir Togiani
- Opettaja: Else-Maria Lagerstam
- Opettaja: Sami Matthews
BK50A6005 Circular Design - Blended teaching, Lahti 2.9.2024-15.12.2024
- Circular product design
- Product life cycle
- Environmental impacts of sustainable product design
- Social impacts of sustainable product design
- Environmental challenges
- Social challenges
- User experience (UX) of sustainable products
- Sustainability related consumer needs
- Concept of Industrial ecology
- Sustainable product design process
- Vastuuopettaja: Amir Togiani
- Opettaja: Else-Maria Lagerstam
BK50A6004 Human Centered Design - Blended teaching, Lahti 2.9.2024-20.4.2025
Human-centred design guidelines and methods
Human-centred problem solving
Related knowledge of physical, cognitive, and organizational ergonomics
Human factors engineering
Human product interaction
User experience (UX) design
Usability design
Human product interaction based on the theories of human computer interaction (HCI)
Human-centred design guidelines and methods
Information visualization
Team work
User studies
- Vastuuopettaja: Amir Togiani
BK50A6003 Individual Research Project II - Online teaching 2.9.2024-15.12.2024
- Give the students a deeper understanding on Industrial design engineering in a subgroup area (i.e. product design, furniture design, interaction design, packaging design etc.) and alongside with research focus of the IDE group such as circular design or human centered design and design thinking.
- Give support for conducting an in-depth scientific research project in the field of design with academic perspective.
- An individual project will be carried out possibly in collaboration with industrial company or external collaborators of the university.
- The project is planned together with the supervisor (lecturer) and the company, and the topic may focus especially on problem solving tasks in industry.
- In some exceptional cases the content of the project could consist of laboratory work or collaboration with one of the mechanical engineering laboratories or other laboratories in LUT.
- Prepare the students to apply both practical project management tools to take care of an engineering project and apply scientific approaches.
- The project is supporting students for their upcoming master thesis in regard of scientific viewpoint, structure, identification of focus area.
- Vastuuopettaja: Amir Togiani
BK50A6001 Design Thinking and Innovation in Design - Blended teaching 2.9.2024-15.12.2024
- Design Thinking methodology and product development- Evaluation and analysis of methods and creative processes- Research in design- Applying new processes in creation of novel products and services- User based design methods- Design based disciplines supporting multi-disciplinary problem solving approach- The development of innovative products and services with focus on customers' needs and expectations.
- Vastuuopettaja: Amir Togiani
- Opettaja: Else-Maria Lagerstam
BK50A5600 Design for Manufacturing - Blended teaching, Lahti 2.9.2024-15.12.2024
Multi-disciplinary problem solving approach
Manufacturing processes in a production environment context
Conducting research in design
Functional and technical requirements from engineering perspectives
Product design process based on the perceptual understanding from manufacturing perspective
Manufacturing technologies, technical production parameters and material selection
Design methodology and product development
- Vastuuopettaja: Amir Togiani
BK50A5500 Sustainable Sheet Metal Product Fabrication - Online teaching 2.9.2024-15.12.2024
Kurssilla keskitytään ohutlevytuotteiden valmistukseen ja valmistettavuuteen siten, että opiskelijat saavat kattavan käsityksen ohutlevyteollisuudesta. Kurssilla käsitellään perinteisiä ja automatisoituja ohutlevynvalmistusprosesseja, trendejä ja visioita sekä materiaaleja ja laatukysymyksiä. Kurssilla käytetyt lukuisat tapausesimerkit ovat suoraan reaalimaailmasta. Kurssi liittyy kestävään kehitykseen.
Levymateriaalien leikkaaminen
Metallilevymateriaalien stanssaus ja erityiset stanssitoiminnot.
Levymateriaalien taivuttaminen
Metallilevymateriaalien taittaminen
Syvävetoprosessi ja -työkalut, venytysmuovaus
Metallilevyn erikoismuovausprosessit. Yhteensä 5 luentoa tästä aiheesta.
Mekaaniset liitosmenetelmät lisäelementeillä
Mekaaniset liitosmenetelmät ilman lisäelementtejä
Levymateriaalien ja puolivalmiiden komponenttien varastointijärjestelmät
Levytuotteiden valmistuksen laatukysymykset
Tuotantokustannukset ja investoinnit
Tuotannon hallinta ja organisointi tehdastasolla
Nopea prototyyppien valmistus
Tuotannon tehokkuus (DFMA, LEAN)
- Vastuuopettaja: Mikael Ollikainen
- Vastuuopettaja: Juha Varis
BK50A5400 3D-Forming and Converting of Materials - Blended teaching 2.9.2024-15.12.2024
The course covers several topics in 3D-forming and converting of materials with a focus in the field of packaging technology. The course includes topics such as:
Creasing and die cutting in paperboard packaging for structural integrity and functionality.
Heat-sealing methods and parameters for creating a seal-tight product and ensuring safety, containment, and shelf-life extension.
3D converting methods including extrusion, compression molding, injection molding, multi-injection molding, blow molding, and rotational molding.
Thermoforming process and its industrial applications in producing plastic and fibre-based products.
Packaging machinery in the food industry, including Vertical Form Fill Seal (VFFS) and Horizontal Form Fill Seal (HFFS) systems.
Advancements in 3D forming of paperboard through press-forming, deep-drawing, and hydroforming.
Use of simulation in forming processes, focusing on extrusion, injection molding, and thermoforming.
Paper cup and molded pulp packaging for environmentally friendly and sustainable solutions.
Application of robotics in packaging technology and future development.
- Vastuuopettaja: Ville Leminen
- Vastuuopettaja: Mahdi Merabtene
- Vastuuopettaja: Panu Tanninen
- Opettaja: Juho Bonifer
BK50A2702 Selection Criteria of Materials - Blended teaching 2.9.2024-15.12.2024
During the course the student will become familiar with the properties and application areas of different engineering materials. The recent scientific results dealing with material science and technology will be discussed. Aspects of selecting and comparing different materials are discussed from the viewpoints of functionality, manufacturing aspects, costs and environmental aspects of the product. Future trends in materials science are discussed briefly. Metallic alloys, polymers, ceramics, composites, adaptive materials and nanomaterials will be considered. Environmental aspects of material selection from the viewpoint of LCC and LCA and the basics of MIPS calculations. Innovative solutions of the material selection tasks will be discussed. Principles to formulate and solve the materials selection tasks based on analytical and systematic approaches and means to develop models to support the selection process staring from the product's requirement list will be discussed in detail. Considering and accounting for the UN's sustainable development goals (SDG) during the materials selection process will be discussed. Selection criteria for structural materials that can be used in Power-to-X (P2X) technologies will also be discussed. Project work focuses on selecting engineering materials for industrial applications, including P2X technologies.
- Vastuuopettaja: Hemantha Yeddu
- Opettaja: Presley Aduwenye
- Opettaja: Jiayi Chen
- Opettaja: Roman Lev