Lut University's learning platform has been published in 2020. The content of this learning environment must comply with the requirements of the European Union Web Accessibility Directive and the Act on the Provision of Digital Services by 23 September 2020. Only compliance with the A and AA levels of the WCAG 2.1 guidelines for the content of the learning environment of LUT University has been assessed in this accessibility statement.

Implementation of accessibility requirements

LUT University's learning environment largely meets accessibility requirements. The shortcomings of the learning environment regarding accessibility requirements are mentioned below.

Development of accessibility

Identified deficiencies regarding website accessibility requirements include:

  • Some images are missing text description (so-called alt-text attribute)
  • Some input fields are missing an item (label data)
  • Navigation: the order and nesting of h1, h2, h3 and h4 elements should be improved to facilitate navigation
  • The content of the website includes video material that is in Finnish and does not have subtitles in Finnish. Video subtitles currently entail exorbitant costs and resource usage. The videos are on the course templates for a limited time. English videos are subtitled. When the Finnish language captions are easily and with reasonable costs added to videos, subtitles are enabled.

LUT University is constantly updating its learning environment according to its needs. The learning environment of LUT University does not fully meet the accessibility requirements, as the new regulations will be introduced gradually at a reasonable cost. Changes to improve accessibility, considering costs, are made to the current website.


We welcome feedback and suggestions on the development of LUT University's website. Contacts about the learning environment must be sent by e-mail to

It is possible for the user of the learning environment to file a complaint or request for clarification with the Regional State Administrative Agency of Southern Finland (Villimiehenkatu 2 B, 53100 Lappeenranta) concerning the implementation of the accessibility requirements of LUT Universities. It is possible to submit a complaint or request for clarification on the learning environment of LUT Universities on 23 September 2020. In the case of mobile applications and video tutorials, it is possible to submit a complaint or request for clarification as of 23 September 2021.

The accessibility statement was prepared on 4 September 2020. The estimates in the report are based on self-assessment.