CS20A0070 Johdatus tuotannon johtamisen opintoihin - Verkko-opetus 1.8.2024-20.10.2024
Toimitusketjun johtaminen:
- tuotannon- ja varastonohjauksen peruskäsitteet ja mallit
- kustannusjohtamisen peruskäsitteet ja menetelmät
- Responsible teacher: Annastiina Rintala
- Responsible teacher: Tiina Sinkkonen
CS10A0864 Research Methods in Management - Blended teaching 2.9.2024-15.12.2024
The course aims to provide methodological support and clear guidelines to master students on how to conduct research in management and how to report its results. The course consists of lectures and seminars. Topics include but not limited to formulating and clarifying the research topics, reviewing the literature, understanding research philosophies and approaches, formulating research design and choosing research methods, collecting and analyzing quantitative and qualitative data, and writing research reports and presenting the results.
Research reports, seminar presentations, quizzes, and individual learning diaries are essential parts of course evaluation.
- Responsible teacher: Yan Xin
CS10A0120 Introduction to M.Sc. Studies in Industrial Engineering and Management - Contact teaching 2.9.2024-20.4.2025
The Orientation Days activities. Practical study-related information. Degree requirements. Planning of Master's studies. Preparation of the individual study plan. Monitoring the progess of studies with the Academic Directors and Student Affairs Secretary. The Scientific Library collections and databases.
- Responsible teacher: Nina Tura
- Teacher: Leonid Chechurin
- Teacher: Ville Ojanen
- Teacher: Riikka Sinisalo
CS90A0120 Kandidaatintyö ja seminaari - Monimuoto-opetus 2.9.2024-15.12.2024
Ydinaines: syvennetään osaamista jollakin tuotantotalouden osa-alueella ja kehitetään yleisiä tieteellisen kirjoittamisen ja projektiluontoisen tutkimustyön valmiuksia. Täydentävä tieto: ongelmanmäärittely ja jäsentäminen, kirjallisuustiedon hankinta, tiedon jäsentäminen, kirjallinen raportointi, suullinen esittäminen.
- Responsible teacher: Lea Hannola
- Teacher: Ilkka Donoghue
- Teacher: Kalle Elfvengren
- Teacher: Jouni Koivuniemi
- Teacher: Kirsi Kokkonen
- Teacher: Esa Laihanen
- Teacher: Lasse Metso
- Teacher: Petra Pekkanen
- Teacher: Tero Rantala
- Teacher: Annastiina Rintala
- Teacher: Riikka Sinisalo
- Teacher: Tiina Sinkkonen
- Teacher: Müge Tetik
- Teacher: Mira Timperi
- Teacher: Nina Tura
- Teacher: Leena Tynninen
- Teacher: Hanna Värri
- Teacher: Antti Ylä-Kujala
CS90A0060 Diplomityö - Opinnäytetyö 2.9.2024-30.7.2025
Diplomityö on diplomi-insinöörin tutkinnon opinnäyte. Yleensä työ on yrityksen toimeksiannosta tehty kehittämishanke, jonka kesto on noin 6 kuukautta.
Työ sisältää vastuullisen työskentelyn tuotantotalouden alaan liittyvässä yrityksen kehittämishankkeessa, hankkeen raportoinnin diplomityön muodossa ja oman työn esittelyn 1. tarkastajan määräämällä tavalla. Ennen työn palautusta sen alkuperäisyys on tarkastettava kurssin moodle-sivuilla Turnitin-ohjelmalla.
Tuotantotalouden koulutusohjelma järjestää syys- ja kevätlukukaudella diplomityöhön liittyvät keskustelutilaisuudet suomeksi ja englanniksi.
Opiskelijan on anottava diplomityön aiheen vahvistamista (1A-lomake) heti, kun työn aihe ja ohjaaja ovat tiedossa.
Lisätietoja eLUT:ssa.
- Responsible teacher: Petra Pekkanen
- Teacher: Leonid Chechurin
- Teacher: Kalle Elfvengren
- Teacher: Lea Hannola
- Teacher: Vesa Harmaakorpi
- Teacher: Lobna Hassan
- Teacher: Janne Huiskonen
- Teacher: Mirva Hyypiä
- Teacher: Tuuli Ikäheimonen
- Teacher: Timo Kärri
- Teacher: Jouni Koivuniemi
- Teacher: Andrzej Kraslawski
- Teacher: Pasi Luukka
- Teacher: Helinä Melkas
- Teacher: Lasse Metso
- Teacher: Petri Niemi
- Teacher: Tuija Oikarinen
- Teacher: Ville Ojanen
- Teacher: Satu Parjanen
- Teacher: Satu Pekkarinen
- Teacher: Timo Pihkala
- Teacher: Tero Rantala
- Teacher: Hannu Rantanen
- Teacher: Marita Rautiainen
- Teacher: Satu Rinkinen
- Teacher: Minna Saunila
- Teacher: Adeel Tariq
- Teacher: Marko Torkkeli
- Teacher: Nina Tura
- Teacher: Juhani Ukko
- Teacher: Tuomo Uotila
- Teacher: Jyri Vilko
CS90A0012 Yrityksen liiketoiminnan ja johtamisen perusteet - Lähiopetus 2.9.2024-15.12.2024
Tutustutaan yrityksen liiketoimintaan ja johtamiseen, erityisesti kustannusjohtamiseen, toimitusketjuihin ja liiketoimintaprosesseihin, innovaatio- ja teknologiajohtamiseen.
- Responsible teacher: Petteri Raina
- Responsible teacher: Tiina Sinkkonen
- Teacher: Lasse Metso
- Teacher: Annastiina Rintala
- Teacher: Nina Tura
CS90A0002 Johdatus tuotantotalouden opiskeluun - Lähiopetus 2.9.2024-20.4.2025
Ydinaines: opiskeluun liittyvät käytännöt, opiskelutaidot, yrittäjämäinen oppiminen, ajanhallinta, itsensä johtaminen, kirjaston tietokannat ja tiedonhaku, lähdeviittaustekniikka, kansainvälistyminen, opintosuunnitelman laatiminen
- Responsible teacher: Kirsi Kokkonen
- Teacher: Petri Ajo
- Teacher: Aino Elomäki
- Teacher: Saara Inkinen
- Teacher: Jani Kohonen
- Teacher: Matti Lankinen
- Teacher: Matti Lankinen
- Teacher: Jaakko Metsola
- Teacher: Hanna Salojärvi
- Teacher: Sini Sarvilahti
- Teacher: Riikka Sinisalo
- Teacher: Mari Trinidad
- Teacher: Hanna Värri
- Teacher: Ida-Maria Volturi
CS40A0140 INLOG project course - Independent project 1.8.2024-31.7.2025
This course is designed to provide students with hands-on experience in their field of study and facilitate their future employment by fostering industry connections. During the projects or internships, students hone their abilities to apply what they have learned in university courses to real-world situations and gain new knowledge from industry experts. These newly acquired skills and knowledge can then be applied to academic work.
- Responsible teacher: Ilkka Kero
- Responsible teacher: Marko Torkkeli
- Responsible teacher: Jyri Vilko
- Teacher: Ville Pöntinen
CS40A0120 INLOG Master’s thesis seminar - Contact teaching, Kouvola 2.9.2024-20.4.2025
The INLOG Master’s Thesis Seminar provides Master's students with theoretical insights and practical tools for their master’s theses. The course will include lectures and seminars that prepare student in completing the research plan for the master’s thesis. During the course, students will develop a research plan for a topic agreed with the supervisor and present their research plans at different stages as well as give feedback on other students’.
- Responsible teacher: Markus Heikkilä
- Responsible teacher: Alisa Misukka
- Responsible teacher: Ville Pöntinen
- Responsible teacher: Marko Torkkeli
- Responsible teacher: Jyri Vilko
CS40A0090 Logistics Innovation Simulation Project - Blended teaching, Kouvola 26.9.2024-15.12.2024
Introductory lecture, final seminar with presentations and written report
- Responsible teacher: Olli-Pekka Hilmola
- Responsible teacher: Oskari Lähdeaho
CS40A0060 The Art of Technology Commercialization and Venturing - Contact teaching, Kouvola 2.9.2024-15.12.2024
Learning topics include:
· Personal selling tools
· Story creation
· Buyer/seller psychology and behaviour
· Sales strategy building
· Team building and compensation planning
· Commercialization process for innovations
· Venture funding planning
· Technology valuation process
· Intellectual property rights
Learning is implemented by independent study materials, practical workshops and contact lectures. Teaching methods include workshop-based lectures, presentations, real-life cases, guest speakers, online tasks and report writing. The lectures of the course will be held mostly as contact classes.
- Responsible teacher: Marko Torkkeli
- Teacher: Ville Pöntinen
CS40A0050 Management Research Methods - Contact teaching 2.9.2024-15.12.2024
The course aims to provide guidelines to students on how to conduct research in management and how to report research results. The course is a combination of online and traditional teaching. Course consists of lectures, practical seminars (online or offline) and students’ presentations and group work. Topics include but not limited to research questions formulation, literature review, choice of research methods, research design, collecting and analyzing quantitative and qualitative data.
Research report and presentations are an essential part of course evaluation. Research reports are done in groups. Significant load of independent work is planned in this course.
- Responsible teacher: Danyal Aghajani
- Responsible teacher: Sajid Nazir
- Responsible teacher: Ville Pöntinen
- Responsible teacher: Jyri Vilko
CS40A0040 Transportation Systems - Blended teaching, Kouvola 28.10.2024-15.12.2024
Among lectures, course contains case exercises (which will combine the issues of different transportation modes and related networks together with use of IT tools) and written literature review (from selected and agreed topic - this is plagiarism checked by Turnitin).
- Responsible teacher: Olli-Pekka Hilmola
- Responsible teacher: Oskari Lähdeaho
- Responsible teacher: Sajid Nazir
- Responsible teacher: Ville Pöntinen
CS40A0030 Basics of Logistics and Supply Chain Management - Contact teaching 2.9.2024-20.10.2024
Among lectures, course contains case exercises and written literature review.
- Responsible teacher: Sajid Nazir
- Responsible teacher: Ville Pöntinen
- Responsible teacher: Jyri Vilko
- Teacher: Sajid Nazir
CS40A0020 Trends in Innovation and Technology Management - Contact teaching, Kouvola 28.10.2024-15.12.2024
This course has three sections, in the first section, this course aims to discuss technology theories, disruptive technologies, and disruptive innovations. This course will introduce business students to recent technological trends, such as Cloud Computing, to enhance their understanding of how these technologies are influencing contemporary businesses. In the second part, this course intends to develop learners’ understanding of digital innovation and transformation, reinventing business models for digital strategy, and creating digital products and services. In the third section, this course unpacks recent platform revolutions to explore their designing, marketing, monetizing, and strategy elements. It will help students to understand technology-oriented markets and business models (platforms) that are revolutionizing the traditional way of doing business.
- Responsible teacher: Adeel Tariq
- Responsible teacher: Marko Torkkeli
CS40A0010 The core of Innovation Management - Contact teaching, Kouvola 2.9.2024-20.10.2024
In addition to lectures, course contains practical evidence-based approach to managing innovation in a wide range of contexts, including manufacturing, services, small to large organizations and the private, public and third sectors.
- Responsible teacher: Adeel Tariq
- Responsible teacher: Marko Torkkeli
CS40A0001 Introduction to INLOG studies - Contact teaching, Kouvola 2.9.2024-20.10.2024
During the introductory (orientation) course students will get essential instructions into master level education in industrial engineering and management (IEM) at LUT University, The INLOG program, challenge-based education, LUT culture and the region. During this intensive course students will have following lectures and seminars: introduction to master studies in IEM, essentials to INLOG program, regional student life and Finnish culture, and vital elements of challenge-based education and experiential learning. As a part of this course students will execute personal study plan in workshops. As a requirement to pass the course students must complete an online exam and validated study plan.
- Responsible teacher: Marko Torkkeli
- Responsible teacher: Jyri Vilko
- Teacher: Lotta Kopo
- Teacher: Ville Pöntinen
- Teacher: Mari Trinidad
- Teacher: Hanna Värri
- Teacher: Ida-Maria Volturi
- Teacher: Anna-Maija Wörlin
CS39A0190 Data analytics basics - Blended teaching, Lahti 2.9.2024-15.12.2024
Opiskelijat oppivat data-analytiikan hyödyntämisestä organisaatioiden johtamisessa, mukaan lukien operatiivisten ja strategisten päätösten tekeminen liiketoiminnassa data-analytiikan avulla.
Kurssilla käytettäviä työkaluja: Excelin peruskäyttö, Power Pivot, Power Query, Power BI
- Responsible teacher: Tero Rantala
- Responsible teacher: Matti Rissanen