CS39A0110 Patenting and standardization - Lähiopetus 6.1.2025-20.4.2025
The course focuses on the role and effects of different IPRs (patents, trademarks, design rights) and standardization systems and strategies both from the business and the societal perspectives.
The lectures cover a range of topics concerning patents, other IPRs and standards, including
an overview of patent, IPR and standardization institutions,
companies' IPR and standardization strategies and their role in getting return on research and development investments,
impacts of patents and standards on the rate and direction of technological progress and dynamic innovation-based competition,
landscaping and learning of IPR and standardization environments (competitive intelligence and foresight),
links between patents and standards and the Sustainable Development Goals.
- Responsible teacher: Jussi Heikkilä

CS39A0130 Growth and internationalization of entrepreneurial businesses - Contact teaching 6.1.2025-20.4.2025
Yritysten kasvu, yritysten kansainvälistyminen, yrittäjyys
- Responsible teacher: Timo Pihkala
- Responsible teacher: Marita Rautiainen

CS39A0170 IEM Project Course - Monimuoto-opetus 2.5.2024-30.6.2024
During academic year 2023-2024 the course has two alternative completion methods:
1. Lahti Venture Programme (organized in collaboration between University of Helsinki, LUT University, LAB University of Applied Sciences, Lahti Region Development LADEC Ltd, and Lahti University Campus) https://lahtiventureprogram.com/
2. International Summer School in Lahti (organized in collaboration between LAB University of Applied Sciences, LUT University, University of Helsinki, and Lahti University Campus) NOTE! Student must register to the course in Sisu but also in Lahti Summer School page: Summer School 2024 | Lahden Yliopistokampus
- Responsible teacher: Tero Rantala
- Responsible teacher: Satu Rinkinen

CS39A0070 Managing digital transformation - Verkko-opetus 3.6.2024-31.7.2024
Background and basics of digital transformation. Digitalization as part of a company’s strategy. Adoption of digitalization in the organization. Measuring and evaluating the effects of digitalization.
- Responsible teacher: Mira Holopainen
- Responsible teacher: Juhani Ukko

CS20A0002 Toimitusketjun johtamisen peruskurssi - Monimuoto-opetus 3.6.2024-31.8.2024
Ydinaines: Toimitusketjun johtamisen peruskäsitteistö ja tehtäväkenttä yrityksessä. Varastojen ohjauksen ja analysoinnin perusmenetelmät. Tuotannonohjauksen perusteet. Materiaalinohjaus hankinnoissa ja jakelussa. Kysynnän ennustaminen. Toimitusketjun ohjauksellisia ongelmia. Toimitusketjun suorituskyvyn mittaaminen ja taloudellisten vaikutusten arviointi.
- Responsible teacher: Annastiina Rintala
- Responsible teacher: Tiina Sinkkonen

CS39A0230 B.Sc. Thesis and Seminar - Lähiopetus 15.4.2024-15.9.2024
Core content: Deepening know-how in one of the key areas of industrial engineering and management. Developing abilities for scientific writing and conducting a project-based research work.
Additional knowledge: scientific problem definition and analysis, research data acquisition, data structuring, written research report, presentation in seminar
- Responsible teacher: Tero Rantala
- Responsible teacher: Satu Rinkinen
- Teacher: Jussi Heikkilä
- Teacher: Riikka Sinisalo

CS40A0160 Current Trends in Innovation and Logistics - Online teaching 28.10.2024-23.2.2025
Assignment writing and online lectures. The topic will be on UpToDate research and development in innovation management, logistics and technology fields in business and academia.
- Responsible teacher: Bahar Bahramian Dehkordi
- Responsible teacher: Maria Nemilentseva
- Responsible teacher: Nikhil Phadnis
- Responsible teacher: Ellen Saltevo
- Responsible teacher: Adeel Tariq
- Responsible teacher: Marko Torkkeli
- Teacher: Ville Pöntinen

CS39A0230 B.Sc. Thesis and Seminar - Contact teaching 6.1.2025-20.4.2025
Core content: Deepening know-how in one of the key areas of industrial engineering and management. Developing abilities for scientific writing and conducting a project-based research work.
Additional knowledge: scientific problem definition and analysis, research data acquisition, data structuring, written research report, presentation in seminar
- Responsible teacher: Tero Rantala
- Responsible teacher: Satu Rinkinen
- Teacher: Jussi Heikkilä
- Teacher: Mira Holopainen
- Teacher: Mirva Hyypiä
- Teacher: Suvi Konsti-Laakso
- Teacher: Satu Parjanen
- Teacher: Anneli Rinnevalli
- Teacher: Riikka Sinisalo

CS39A0200 Current themes on IEM - Contact teaching 28.10.2024-15.12.2024
The course focus on providing visiting lectures from both practical and academic experts. The themes and topics of the provided lectures demonstrate the recent management and development practices, challenges, and opportunities of industrial organizations.
Core content: Industrial engineering and management, Organizational development, Business development, Leadership, Digital transformation, Sustainable development
- Responsible teacher: Tero Rantala
- Responsible teacher: Satu Rinkinen

CS39A0160 Methods in IEM research - Blended teaching 2.9.2024-15.12.2024
Background and basic starting points of qualitative and quantitative research. The methodology of qualitative and quantitative research and the differences between them. The special features, the research process, and the main methods of data collection and analysis in qualitative and quantitative research. Research reporting.
- Responsible teacher: Satu Parjanen
- Responsible teacher: Minna Saunila
- Responsible teacher: Juhani Ukko
- Teacher: Mira Holopainen

CS39A0140 Sustainable performance management - Blended teaching 2.9.2024-15.12.2024
The concept of sustainability in performance management. Process of sustainable performance management. Managing sustainability in different areas of the company's operations. Sustainability measurement and metrics. Sustainability measurement frameworks.
- Responsible teacher: Kedar Kulkarni
- Responsible teacher: Minna Saunila
- Teacher: Alena Valtonen

CS39A0120 User-centric engineering - Contact teaching 2.9.2024-15.12.2024
user perspectives, user involvement, socio-technical thinking, human-technology interaction, case examples
- Responsible teacher: Satu Pekkarinen
- Teacher: Helinä Melkas
- Teacher: Riika Saurio

CS30A0820 The Dark Side of Sustainability - Online teaching 2.9.2024-15.12.2024
Main aim of the course is to help students learn and understand the unintended negative consequences of sustainability initiatives and familiarize students with the emerging concepts and frameworks related to the dark side of sustainability literature. Students will learn to analyze the actions of different actors that may result in the mentioned unintended consequences as well as how to prevent and mitigate them. The course aims to enhance the development of students' critical thinking, collaboration, communication, reporting, strategic action, case study analysis and systems thinking skills to be used in future decision-making.
- Responsible teacher: Nina Tura
- Responsible teacher: Deniz Turkcu

CS30A0810 Must-Have Math for Decision Makers - Online teaching 2.9.2024-20.4.2025
Basics of linear algebra, probability theory, functional series, Laplace transform, differential equations, stability and optimization, programming in MATLAB-Simulink and Python
- Responsible teacher: Leonid Chechurin
- Responsible teacher: Viktor Dodonov
- Responsible teacher: Anna Kruzenshtern
- Teacher: Elizaveta Girshova
- Teacher: Zahra Honarmand Shahzileh
- Teacher: Sergei Smirnov

CS20A0090 Basic course in Supply Chain Management - Contact teaching 28.10.2024-15.12.2024
Ydinaines: Toimitusketjun johtamisen peruskäsitteistö ja tehtäväkenttä yrityksessä. Varastojen ohjauksen ja analysoinnin perusmenetelmät. Tuotannonohjauksen perusteet. Materiaalinohjaus hankinnoissa ja jakelussa. Kysynnän ennustaminen. Toimitusketjun ohjauksellisia ongelmia. Toimitusketjun suorituskyvyn mittaaminen ja taloudellisten vaikutusten arviointi.
- Responsible teacher: Müge Tetik

CS20A0030 Lean Six Sigma Green Belt - Online teaching 1.8.2024-31.7.2025
- Projektinjohtaminen
- Laadulliset ja numeeriset työkalut prosessien arvioinnissa
- Responsible teacher: Petra Pekkanen

CS30A0210 Product Lifecycle Management - Blended teaching 2.9.2024-20.10.2024
Different views on product and lifecycle management.
Product architectures and modularity.
Product information modelling and change management.
Requirements information management & systems engineering.
Configuration process and configurators.
PLM systems and their functionalities: managing generic products, individual products, items and documents.
PLM project and system implementation.
PLM for sustainability and circularity.
- Responsible teacher: Ilkka Donoghue

CS20A0020 Lean-työkalut - Lähiopetus 28.10.2024-15.12.2024
Lean-ajattelun perusteet: Hukka, Imuohjaus, Lean perustyökalut (5S, A3, SOP, 5Why, WhiteBoard Meeting, Six Sigma, VSM). Tiimien valmentava johtaminen. Visuaalinen ohjaus teollisessa ympäristössä.
- Responsible teacher: Taru Huju
- Responsible teacher: Petri Niemi

CS36A0983 Käytäntölähtöinen innovaatiotoiminta ja organisaatiokulttuuri TUDI - Monimuoto-opetus 2.9.2024-20.10.2024
Innovatiivisuutta tukevan organisaatiokulttuurin elementit, kehittäminen ja johtaminen, organisaatiokulttuurin muutos. Käytäntölähtöisen innovaatiotoiminnan keskeinen käsitteistö, eri innovaatiotyypit sekä niiden suhteet. Työntekijänäkökulman, työhyvinvoinnin ja työn merkityksellisyyden suhde innovatiiviseen organisaatiokulttuuriin ja sen kehittämisprosesseihin. Organisaatiokulttuurit emergentteinä, vuorovaikutteisina ja kehitettävinä prosesseina.
- Responsible teacher: Suvi-Jonna Martikainen
- Responsible teacher: Tuija Oikarinen

CS36A0951 Johdatus TUDI-opiskeluun - Monimuoto-opetus, Lahti 2.9.2024-20.10.2024
Ydinaines: yliopisto-opiskelu ja ohjelmassa sovellettava käytäntö. Täydentävä tieto: perehtyminen TUDI-ohjelman tutkintorakenteeseen, HOPS. Erityistieto: erilaiset opiskelua tukevat ja opiskelijalle järjestetyt palvelut.
- Responsible teacher: Petri Niemi
- Teacher: Jari Taipale