BJ02A3080 Li batteries - Contact teaching 2.9.2024-15.12.2024
Li battery course is a 5 ETCS Credit Master / Doctoral-level course to train students in a field of Li-ion batteries. The course consists of lectures related to Li battery materials, assembling, testing, aging, recycling and market, and laboratory work on assembling and testing Li batteries.
- Responsible teacher: Ekaterina Laakso
- Teacher: Ronja Rantalainen
BJ01A5052 Biojalostamot - Monimuoto-opetus 3.6.2024-31.8.2024
Kurssilla käydään läpi: Biojalostamoiden merkitys yhteiskunnalle ja elinkeinoelämälle, sekä esimerkkejä erillaisita biojalostaloista Suomessa ja ulkomailla
-Yleisimmät raaka-aineet Suomessa ja ulkomailla, sisältäen myös yleiset sivutuotteet mm. metsäteollisuudesta
-Eri kuitutuotteiden valmistusprosessit, mm. perinteinen sellu sekä tekstiilikuidut
- Hemisellullosa ligniini ja hiilutuoteiden valmistusprosessit
- Biopolttoaineiden valmistusprosessit ja muutamien kemikaakaalien valmistusprosessit
- Responsible teacher: Esko Makkonen
BJ01A5041 Prosessi- ja työturvallisuus - Verkko-opetus 3.6.2024-31.8.2024
Aineiden vaaralliset ominaisuudet ja materiaalivalintojen pääperiaatteet. Prosessiturvallisuus, turvallisuustoimenpiteet ja riskin käsite. Prosessien vaarojen arviointimenetelmät. Työturvallisuuden perusteet prosessityössä.
Toiveissa saada kurssille vierailijaluento
Henkilökohtaisessa harjoitystyössä opiskelija tutustuu tarkemmin vaarojen arviointiin.
- Responsible teacher: Maaret Paakkunainen
BJ01A0030 Kandidaatintyö ja seminaari - Monimuoto-opetus 6.5.2024-31.8.2024
Kurssi pitää sisällään tieteellisen tiedon hakuun, käsittelyyn ja raportointiin liittyvien käytäntöjen läpikäynnin ja soveltamisen tekniikan kandidaatintyön kirjoittamisen yhteydessä. Opiskelija valitsee itse kandidaatintyön aiheensa aineopintojensa aihepiirien sisältä. Lisäksi kurssilla käydään läpi tutkimusaiheen valintaan, tutkimuksen suunnitteluun ja tiedon referoinnin ja raportoinnin etiikkaan liittyviä näkökulmia.
- Responsible teacher: Maaret Paakkunainen
- Teacher: Katja Kuukka
- Teacher: Arto Pihlajamäki
- Teacher: Hanna Värri
BJ50AJ130 Statistical Data-analysis in Chemical Process Applications - Online teaching 1.8.2024-31.7.2025
The course is intended to doctoral students who struggle with analysis of experimental results. Quite often the experimental plan is done by keeping one factor constant, and making experiments by varying another factor which typically leads to 1-dimensional correlations between variables and responses. This course will give tools to understand statistical design of experiments and statistical data-analysis through pragmatic examples in chemical engineering applications, especially in screening process variable dependencies. This e-learning course includes lecture materials and exercises in Moodle which can be taken at any time during the year.
- Responsible teacher: Tuomas Koiranen
BJ06A5010 Instrumental Food Analysis - Blended teaching 2.9.2024-15.12.2024
The aim of this course is to give an overview on analytical instrumentation and practices used in the laboratory for analysing composition and texture of food to support product development and monitor quality.
The coursewill cover the following topics:
- Introduction of major classes of food components
- Physical-chemical properties of food macrocomponents
- Sampling and preparation of food samples for the analysis
- Methods of analysis for food composition and structure
- Advanced instrumental food analysis for characterization
- Method validation and quality control
- Responsible teacher: Marjo Pöysä
BJ06A2010 Bioprocessing and Microbiology in Food and Biomaterials - Blended teaching 2.9.2024-15.12.2024
Fundamentals of microbiology in food and biomaterials. Principles of biological processes such as fermentation, enzyme technology and biotechnology. Principles of preservation such as processing by application or removal of heat, dehydration, concentration, chemical preservation and sterilisation. Process control in bioprosesses. Understanding of microbial safety of food and biomaterials during processing and storage. Regulations and legislation for hygiene in food industry.
- Responsible teacher: Marjo Pöysä
BJ06A1020 Introduction to Food Processing Technologies - Blended teaching 2.9.2024-15.12.2024
Learning the principles of food processing technologies such as thermal processes, non-thermal processes, preservation techniques and postprocessing operations. Comparison of different food processing technologies will be considered in the course from economic, environmental and technical perspectives.
- Responsible teacher: Samuel Perez Vega
- Responsible teacher: Marjo Pöysä
BJ06A1010 Introduction to Food Sector - Blended teaching 2.9.2024-20.10.2024
On this course, the student will learn about the field of food processing and food sector. The course includes visit lectures and group activities.
- Responsible teacher: Marjo Pöysä
BJ04A8010 Biorefineries Analytical Tool - Blended teaching 2.9.2024-15.12.2024
Familiarization of analytical methods in Biorefineries. Conducting experiments in the lab, analyzing the results and reporting (written and oral). The laboratory experiments, which will be conducted in Lahti will be carried out during the 2nd period and the work can be done as a group work.
- Responsible teacher: Ikenna Anugwom
- Responsible teacher: Liisa Puro
- Teacher: Maaret Paakkunainen
BJ02A3031 Industrial Solid-Liquid Separation - Online teaching 2.9.2024-15.12.2024
The topics are as follows: Fundamentals of industrial solid-liquid separation, filtration methods, operation of filters, cake formation and washing, deliquoring, design and modeling of filters and scale-up. Filter media and blinding. Experimental design in filtration test work.
- Responsible teacher: Teemu Kinnarinen
- Responsible teacher: Ritva Tuunila
- Teacher: Sanduni Adduwa Hewage Jayasekara
- Teacher: Nazila Bolourieh
- Teacher: Svetlana Butylina
- Teacher: Svetlana Butylina
- Teacher: Marjo Pöysä
BJ01A1011 Yleinen ja epäorgaaninen kemia - Muut opiskelijat, Lähiopetus 2.9.2024-20.10.2024
4 op toteutus:
Perusteet seuraavista aiheista: ainemäärät, pitoisuudet ja reaktioyhtälöt, liuokset, kaasut, termodynamiikka, hapetus-pelkistysreaktiot (redox) ja sähkökemia, reaktiokinetiikka, tasapaino, pH, puskuriliuos, liukoisuus sekä kolligatiiviset ominaisuudet.
Asiasisällöltä kurssi on laajempi kuin lukiossa opiskeltu kemian laaja oppimäärä.
3 op toteutus:
Perusteet seuraavista aiheista: ainemäärät, pitoisuudet, reaktioyhtälöt, liuokset, kaasut, termodynamiikka, hapetus-pelkistysreaktiot (redox), sähkökemia, kinetiikka sekä kemiallinen tasapaino.
- Responsible teacher: Maaret Paakkunainen
- Teacher: Siham El issaoui
- Teacher: Alex Hardt
BJ01A1011 Yleinen ja epäorgaaninen kemia - Kemiantekniikan opiskelijat, Lähiopetus 2.9.2024-20.10.2024
4 op toteutus:
Perusteet seuraavista aiheista: ainemäärät, pitoisuudet ja reaktioyhtälöt, liuokset, kaasut, termodynamiikka, hapetus-pelkistysreaktiot (redox) ja sähkökemia, reaktiokinetiikka, tasapaino, pH, puskuriliuos, liukoisuus sekä kolligatiiviset ominaisuudet.
Asiasisällöltä kurssi on laajempi kuin lukiossa opiskeltu kemian laaja oppimäärä.
3 op toteutus:
Perusteet seuraavista aiheista: ainemäärät, pitoisuudet, reaktioyhtälöt, liuokset, kaasut, termodynamiikka, hapetus-pelkistysreaktiot (redox), sähkökemia, kinetiikka sekä kemiallinen tasapaino.
- Responsible teacher: Maaret Paakkunainen
- Teacher: Alex Hardt
- Teacher: Katja Kuukka
BJ03A2070 Modeling and Simulation of Water and Wastewater Treatment Processes - Lähiopetus (Mikkeli) 4.3.2024-19.4.2024
Overview of water pollution and treatment processes, Mass balance and hydraulic flow regimes, bioreactors and chemical kinetics, dispersion and mass transfer in different types of reactors, mass transfer and aeration, activated sludge process, process simulation, computational chemistry, and molecular dynamics simulation
- Responsible teacher: Esko Lahdenperä
- Teacher: Mirka Viitala
BJ05A3030 Separations by Adsorption in Biorefining - Contact teaching, Lahti 2.9.2024-20.10.2024
Adsorption column dynamics; Propagation of concentration waves; Ion exchange in biorefining; Chromatographic processes and analysis of process performance; Industrial chromatography in biorefining
- Responsible teacher: Tuomo Sainio
BJ05A3010 Lignocellulosic Biorefinery - Blended teaching, Lahti 2.9.2024-15.12.2024
Lignocellulosic biorefining processes; Chemical and mechanical pulping; Process integration in lignocellulosic biorefinery
- Responsible teacher: Kristian Melin
- Teacher: Esko Makkonen
BJ05A1030 Bio-based Chemicals and Consumer Products - Contact teaching, Lahti 2.9.2024-20.10.2024
Course contents advanced studies of biobased materials for biobased barrier technologies in packaging applications; Biobased hygiene products; Biobased components in paints, inks, adhesives, and glues; Biofuels from wastes and side streams; Biomaterials in food application and biobased product development practical work in laboratory.
- Responsible teacher: Rama Layek
BJ04A7010 Bioeconomy - Blended teaching 2.9.2024-31.7.2025
The study entities are: The multidimensional impact of bioeconomy on Europe, the implementation of bioeconomy, the sustainability – all three dimensions - aspects of bioeconomy. The course is carried as assignments based on selected topics from the book or own topic related to your current working environment and additional material. Course is planned for distance learning.
- Responsible teacher: Ikenna Anugwom
- Responsible teacher: Mikko Rahtola
- Teacher: Mikko Rahtola
BJ04A5020 Biorefinery Process Development Project - Monimuoto-opetus 2.9.2024-15.12.2024
This is the capstone course in Biorefineries Master's programme. Previously acquired knowledge on biorefinery feedstocks, conversion methods, separation and purification methods, as well as products and markets are applied to study a complete biorefinery process.
- Responsible teacher: Ikenna Anugwom
- Responsible teacher: Tuomo Sainio
BJ04A5010 Advanced Biorefineries - Blended teaching 2.9.2024-15.12.2024
The course covers the most typical biorefining processes production of fibers, material products hemicelluloses, lignin and carbon products, biofuel 1 st and 2nd generation and chemicals
- The globally most common bio-based raw materials for biorefineries
-Connection of Biorefineries to other industrial processes such as energy production and oil refineries
- Most common biorefinery products and their value chain
- Responsible teacher: Kristian Melin
- Teacher: Esko Makkonen