BJ04A5010 Advanced Biorefineries - Online teaching 5.9.2022-16.12.2022
The course covers the most typical biorefining-processes currently in use as well as some selected future processes. Topics include
- The globally most common bio-based raw materials for biorefineries
- Processes and process conditions including raw material behavior in the process
-Integration of biorefineries to other industrial processes such as energy production and oil refineries
- Most common biorefinery products and their value chain
- Responsible teacher: Kristian Melin
- Teacher: Esko Makkonen
- Teacher: Tuomo Sainio
BJ04A4020 Solid-Liquid Separation in Biorefining - Lectures 31.10.2022-3.3.2023
The topics are as follows: Fundamentals of solid-liquid separation, filtration methods, operation of filters, cake formation and washing, deliquoring, design and modeling of filters and scale-up. Filter media and blinding. Experimental design in filtration test work.
- Responsible teacher: Antti Häkkinen
- Responsible teacher: Teemu Kinnarinen
- Teacher: Svetlana Butylina
- Teacher: Miia John
- Teacher: Dmitry Safonov
- Teacher: Dmitry Safonov
- Teacher: Ritva Tuunila
BJ04A4010 Membrane Technology in Biorefining - Online teaching 16.1.2023-28.4.2023
Membrane processes for treating different biorefinery streams. Membrane materials and modules. Basic phenomena in membrane processes (e.g. fouling, concentration polarisation, osmotic pressure), Separation mechanisms and tailoring of separation, Applications in biorefineries.
- Responsible teacher: Mari Kallioinen-Mänttäri
- Responsible teacher: Mika Mänttäri
BJ04A3010 Chemical and Biochemical Conversion of Biomaterials - Online teaching 13.3.2023-31.8.2023
Biomass treament and fractionation methods.
Thermochemical treatment and fractionation methods (acid and alkaline hydrolysis, steam explosion, organosolv treatment, torrefaction, pyrolysis, etc.).
Biochemical treatment and conversion using e.g. enzymes and fermentation.
- Responsible teacher: Ikenna Anugwom
- Responsible teacher: Jari Heinonen
- Responsible teacher: Kristian Melin
BJ04A2010 Development of New Sustainable Products and Solutions - Online teaching 13.3.2023-7.6.2023
Kurssi sisältää johdannon yleiskatsauksella kestävistä biopohjaisista tuotteista, biopohjaisista pakkaussovelluksien suojateknologioista, biopohjaisista hygieniatuotteista ja -ratkaisuista, painobiomateriaaleista, biopohjaisista mäntyöljytuotteista. ja biomateriaalit elintarvikesovelluksissa. Perusteet biomateriaalien suunnittelusta, muuntamisesta, synteesistä ja kuitujen, selluloosan (johdannaiset), ligniinin käytöstä eri tuotteissa. Kemiallinen ja mekaaninen modifiointi, erotusmenetelmät, sekoitus- ja kuivausmenetelmät. Tuotespesifikaatiovaatimukset ja karakterisointimenetelmät. Lisäksi kurssi sisältää mielenkiintoisen aiheen ryhmä- ja yksilötehtävistä, jotka liittyvät kestävien biopohjaisten tuotteiden ja ratkaisujen nykytrendeihin.
- Responsible teacher: Rama Layek
BJ04A1010 Introduction to MSc Studies in Biorefineries - Online teaching 5.9.2022-21.10.2022
On this course, the student will learn about modern learning theories, effective on-line learning strategies and tools for personal goal setting. The course includes group activities.
- Teacher: Ikenna Anugwom
BJ03A2050 Introduction to Instrumental Water Analysis - Lectures 13.3.2023-28.4.2023
This course is designed to expand students’ knowledge on analytical instrumentation used in the laboratory for monitoring of water quality. The course will cover the following topics:
- Introduction of major classes of water pollutants
- Preparation of water samples for the analysis
- Conventional methods of water analysis
- Advanced instrumental water analysis
- Online monitoring and sensors applications in water analysis
- Case study: Definition, identification, and characterization of microplastics
- Responsible teacher: Ehsan Daneshvar
- Teacher: Rama Layek
- Teacher: Mirka Viitala
- Teacher: Rebecca Wicker
BJ03A2040 Research Project Course in Water Treatment - Luento-opetus 5.9.2022-16.12.2022
Planning, implementation, and reporting a research project related to the water treatment process. The project includes a literature survey, planning experimental laboratory work, conducting experiments in the lab, analyzing the results and reporting (written and oral). Lectures and seminar related to the project work are included. The literature survey and planning part will be begun during the period of week 3 and the laboratory experiments, which will be conducted in Mikkeli will be carried out during the period of weeks 8 - 11 as a group.
- Responsible teacher: Amit Bhatnagar
- Teacher: Ehsan Daneshvar
BJ03A2040 Research Project Course in Water Treatment - Luento-opetus 16.1.2023-28.4.2023
Planning, implementation, and reporting a research project related to the water treatment process. The project includes a literature survey, planning experimental laboratory work, conducting experiments in the lab, analyzing the results and reporting (written and oral). Lectures and seminar related to the project work are included. The literature survey and planning part will be begun during the period of week 3 and the laboratory experiments, which will be conducted in Mikkeli will be carried out during the period of weeks 8 - 11 as a group.
- Responsible teacher: Amit Bhatnagar
- Teacher: Ehsan Daneshvar
BJ03A1020 Biological Waste Water Treatment - Online teaching 5.9.2022-30.7.2023
Biological wastewater treatment methods, professional terminology, built-up ecosystem, desired metabolism and reactor types, selection of microbes and enrichment, influence of temperature and other conditions on above-mentioned factors, basic knowledge on the biological methods used in removal of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorous, aerobic and anaerobic wastewater treatment, process alternatives and technologies, designing and operating modes of processes, controlling and optimization of processes, novel technologies, recovery of valuable products from waste originating (secondary raw materials) raw materials, aerobic and anaerobic technologies in the treatment of sewage sludges and organic wastes.
- Responsible teacher: Mika Mänttäri
- Responsible teacher: Susana Rodriguez Couto
- Teacher: Marika Kokko
BJ03A1011 Introduction to Water Treatment Technologies - Luento-opetus 5.9.2022-21.10.2022
Learning the principles of water treatment techniques such as biological methods, coagulation/flocculation, adsorption/ion exchange, advanced oxidation processes (AOPs), membrane technology, and electrochemical methods. Comparison of different water treatment techniques will be considered in the course from economic, environmental and technical perspectives. Problem-based learning (PBL) using real case scenarios will be conducted as a group work. Weekly homework assignments related to the topic of each week will be proposed (to be prepared individually or in groups).
- Responsible teacher: Susana Rodriguez Couto
- Teacher: Heli Kuru
BJ02A4070 Principles of Thermal Gas-Liquid Processes - Luento-opetus 31.10.2022-16.12.2022
Gas-liquid contactor theory, sizing principles and equations, calculation examples, computer exercises. Distillation, evaporation, gas scrubbing.
In more details described. MATLAB based solution for continuous reactor case. Distillation principles, McCabe-Thiele method for distillation design. Distillation process (trays, reboiler, condenser, reflux), distillation efficiencies, thermodynamics. Mass balances, phase equilibrium calculations (MATLAB). Pxy-diagram, Flash distillation, Bubble temperature calculation, dew temperature calculation, Txy-diagram formulation, Batch distillation simulation program development (MATLAB). Absorption/gas scrubbing Equipment and Structures, sizing equations, Absorber sizing using MATLAB. Evaporation principles, equipment, sizing, sequencing.
- Responsible teacher: Tuomas Koiranen
- Teacher: Soheil Aghajanian
- Teacher: Harri Nieminen
- Teacher: Nima Rezaei
BJ02A3070 Precipitation, Crystallization, Coagulation and Flotation Methods in Water Treatment - Luento-opetus 16.1.2023-28.4.2023
Fundamentals of precipitation, crystallization, coagulation and flotation in water treatment and the mechanisms, modelling and process design related to the above methods. Advanced methods in order to enhance treatment processes. Sustainability aspects and recycling possibilities of the produced side streams. The course includes Moodle exercises and virtual laboratory works.
- Responsible teacher: Eveliina Repo
- Teacher: Ekaterina Bandina
- Teacher: Asiia Hurskainen
- Teacher: Kosisochi Ibebunjo
BJ02A3061 Circular Economy for Materials Processing - Luento-opetus 5.9.2022-16.12.2022
Circular economy and resource efficiency are important aspect in sustainable development within the industry. The course aim is that students gain the skills needed to ensure that circular economy concepts become adopted into the design, development and operation of mainly metal production processes, during its application, end-of-life stage and recycling.Students carry out project works in groups. The topics are from industry, for example side stream processing in metal and steel producing industry, circular economy, eco-design. Different aspects are emphasized in different projects, depending on the topic.
- Responsible teacher: Miia John
- Teacher: John Bediako
- Teacher: Youssef El Ouardi
- Teacher: Youssef El Ouardi
- Teacher: Antti Häkkinen
- Teacher: Niklas Jantunen
- Teacher: Krista Koljonen
- Teacher: Santeri Kurkinen
- Teacher: Ekaterina Laakso
- Teacher: Olga Pastushok
- Teacher: Eveliina Repo
- Teacher: Jaana Ryynänen
- Teacher: Manivannan Sethurajan
- Teacher: Sami Virolainen
- Teacher: Tobias Wesselborg
BJ02A3051 Hydrometallurgy - Luento-opetus 31.10.2022-16.12.2022
Background. Solution chemistry of hydrometallurgical solutions. Leaching. Treatment of leach solutions by solvent extraction, ion exchange and adsorption. Metals recovery by precipitation and electrochemical methods.
- Responsible teacher: Manivannan Sethurajan
- Responsible teacher: Sami Virolainen
- Teacher: Niklas Jantunen
- Teacher: Tobias Wesselborg
BJ02A3030 Solid-Liquid Separation - Luento-opetus 5.9.2022-16.12.2022
The topics are as follows: Fundamentals of solid-liquid separation, filtration methods, operation of filters, cake formation and washing, deliquoring, design and modeling of filters and scale-up. Filter media and blinding. Experimental design in filtration test work.
- Responsible teacher: Antti Häkkinen
- Teacher: Svetlana Butylina
- Teacher: Teemu Kinnarinen
- Teacher: Dmitry Safonov
- Teacher: Ritva Tuunila
BJ02A3010 Membrane Technology - Online teaching 5.9.2022-30.7.2023
Membrane processes (micro-, ultra- and nanofiltration, reverse osmosis, pervaporation, etc.). Manufacturing membranes, membrane materials and structures, phenomena in membrane processes (fouling, concentration polarisation, etc.). Modules. Separation mechanisms. Characterisation of membranes. Applications.
- Responsible teacher: Mika Mänttäri
- Responsible teacher: Arto Pihlajamäki
BJ02A2090 Process Simulation and Monitoring Applications - Luento-opetus 5.9.2022-21.10.2022
Statistical data-analysis tool for critical process parameters identification using (MODDE-PRO) software: theory&practice, trouble-shooting cases, experimental plan. Week 36-37
Statistical data-analysis tool for set-up data-analysis using set of linear equation solvers. Different exercises: Cardboard strength improvement with additives, Pretreatment of raw material by washing, Dissolution of sustained release particles. Cyclopropane reaction results analysis, Pipe loss data analysis, DOE for cranberry extraction.
Statistical data-analysis tool for set-up experimental design of experiments (DOE), data-analysis and optimization, combining statistical data model to Flowsheet simulator. Different Exercises: DOE and optimization for electrostatic dust collector, setting up water purification plant for simulating flow parameters such as BOD, COD using process data (Combining MODDE+ASPEN+)
Machine learning in process industries: theory, methods, case examples.
- Responsible teacher: Tuomas Koiranen
- Teacher: Nima Rezaei
- Teacher: Tatu Toroskainen
BJ02A2080 Project on Product and Process Design - Luento-opetus 5.9.2022-16.12.2022
The projects are carried out in the groups of five students. The topics are related to products and process design e.g. in chemical production, waste treatment and prosessing, bioprocesses, metal processing, circular economy, energy industry. A typical topic starts with product design or product analysis covering a brief market survey, comparison of process alternatives, preliminary process design (process flow diagram, mass and energy balances, sizing of main equipment, lay-out, cost and profitability estimation). Different aspects are emphasized in different projects, depending on the topic. The themes are varying each year, e.g. Carbon neutrality, carbon dioxide to products, products from nature etc.
- Responsible teacher: Tuomas Koiranen
- Responsible teacher: Arto Laari
- Teacher: Harri Nieminen
BJ02A2051 Process Intensification - Luento-opetus 13.3.2023-28.4.2023
Teaching involves lectures, a design project, and meetings and seminars. In the design project students will work in teams to intensify processes given by the teacher. Each team will write a report and present their results in seminar.
- Responsible teacher: Arto Laari