BJ02A2090 Process Simulation and Monitoring Applications - Verkko-opetus 4.9.2023-20.10.2023
Statistical data-analysis tool for critical process parameters identification using (MODDE-PRO) software: theory&practice, trouble-shooting cases, experimental plan. Week 36-37
Statistical data-analysis tool for set-up data-analysis using set of linear equation solvers. Different exercises: Cardboard strength improvement with additives, Pretreatment of raw material by washing, Dissolution of sustained release particles. Cyclopropane reaction results analysis, Pipe loss data analysis, DOE for cranberry extraction.
Statistical data-analysis tool for set-up experimental design of experiments (DOE), data-analysis and optimization, combining statistical data model to Flowsheet simulator. Different Exercises: DOE and optimization for electrostatic dust collector, setting up water purification plant for simulating flow parameters such as BOD, COD using process data (Combining MODDE+ASPEN+)
Machine learning in process industries: theory, methods, case examples.
- Responsible teacher: Tuomas Koiranen
BJ02A2080 Project on Product and Process Design - Monimuoto-opetus 4.9.2023-15.12.2023
The projects are carried out in groups of five students. The topics are mainly from industry and the design work is done under supervision of industrial partners. The main focus is on energy transition related processes, i.e. carbon capture and utilization, hydrogen economy, and Power-to-X processes, but topics from chemical industry in general, waste treatment and processing, bioprocesses, metal processing, and circular economy, are also possible. A typical topic starts with product analysis covering a brief market survey, comparison of process alternatives, preliminary process design (process flow diagram, mass and energy balances, sizing of main equipment, lay-out, cost and profitability estimation). Different aspects are emphasized in different projects, depending on the topic.
- Responsible teacher: Tuomas Koiranen
- Responsible teacher: Arto Laari
BJ02A2051 Process Intensification - Monimuoto-opetus 4.3.2024-19.4.2024
The course covers different process intensification methods and their theoretical background. Teaching involves lectures, assignments, meetings and seminars. The main work will be carried out as a process design project assignment where students will work in teams aiming to intensify a process given by the teacher. Each team will write a report and present their results in seminar. The topics focus mainly on intensification of different Power-to-X processes, such as production of E-fuels, carbon neutral products, energy storage etc.
- Responsible teacher: Arto Laari
BJ02A2041 Advanced Process Design - Lähiopetus 4.9.2023-20.10.2023
– Chemical and physical properties, determination of chemical components in process simulation- Property estimation methods – Chemical process material and energy balances, sizing, costing and economical evaluation – Process performance analysis, process evaluation and optimization– Chemical process synthesis, Biorefinery process synthesis: objectives and steps
– Simulation strategies for Power-to-X chemicals syntheses, transitions from CO2 and H2
– Synthesis of separation sequences – Energy integration in process design.
- Responsible teacher: Tuomas Koiranen
- Responsible teacher: Kristian Melin
- Responsible teacher: Nima Rezaei
- Teacher: Arto Laari
- Teacher: Esko Lahdenperä
- Teacher: Hung Nguyen
BJ02A2030 Fluid Dynamics in Chemical Engineering - Monimuoto-opetus 8.1.2024-23.2.2024
Design methods and scale-up of fluid mixers, rheology, mixing effects in chemical reactors. Theoretical basics of CFD in chemical engineering with Power-to-X aspects and ability to solve basic mixing problems with CFD. COMSOL Multiphysics software.
- Responsible teacher: Tuomas Koiranen
BJ02A2011 Modelling of Unit Operations - Monimuoto-opetus 30.10.2023-15.12.2023
Modeling and parameter estimation using Matlab in chemical engineering, and in applied mathematics in general. The course presents some of the most common unit operations of chemical engineering, including batch reactors, continuous stirred tank reactors (CSTR’s), both in dynamic and steady state; tubular plug flow reactors, flash distillations, and modeling of temperature dependence of reactions and elements of heat transfer. The models are limited to ones that do not require solving partial differential equations (PDE’s).
- Responsible teacher: Miracle Amadi
- Responsible teacher: Arto Laari
- Responsible teacher: Esko Lahdenperä
- Responsible teacher: Tuomas Sihvonen
- Teacher: Samuel Emebu
BJ02A2000 Knowledge Discovery and Process Data Analysis - Online teaching 4.3.2024-19.4.2024
The knowledge discovery is referring to the overall process of discovering useful knowledge from data. The knowledge discovery process is interactive and iterative and involves several steps starting from studying the application domain and ending to use of the information discovered. Process data analysis can be part of this process. Fundamental concepts - such as reliability of data, preprocessing (e.g., de-noising, handling missing data, and scaling strategy), data reduction, choosing methodology, validation, modelling, etc - will be addressed in tutorials, Moodle assignments, and discussions. A project work will be carried out in small groups that will define their working methodology. The course is suitable for distance learning.
- Responsible teacher: Satu-Pia Reinikainen
- Responsible teacher: Tuomas Sihvonen
- Teacher: Zina-Sabrina Duma
BJ02A1500 Current Issues in Enabling Technologies for Circular Economy - Online teaching 4.3.2024-19.4.2024
The course will introduce the most important processing technologies that enable the implementation of circular economy, such as recycling and recovery as well as separation and purification technologies. The approach of the course is mainly solution based and thus aims to show practical examples on the utilization of different technologies in solving different kind of challenges in circular economy. A special emphasis is laid on topical themes, such as recycling and upgrading of plastic, electric, packaging and textile waste as well as on the production of biofuels. The course will also introduce the concept of ecodesign as a tool to manage the complex value chains in circular economy.
- Responsible teacher: Miia John
- Teacher: Ikenna Anugwom
- Teacher: Seyedmohammadreza Arefzadeh
- Teacher: John Bediako
- Teacher: Svetlana Butylina
- Teacher: Teemu Kinnarinen
- Teacher: Krista Koljonen
- Teacher: Kristian Melin
- Teacher: Marjo Pöysä
- Teacher: Nima Rezaei
- Teacher: Manivannan Sethurajan
BJ02A1032 Solution and Electrochemistry - Verkko-opetus 4.9.2023-15.12.2023
Course will be divided in two parts:
Part I: Solution Chemistry (2 cr): Ideal, ideally dilute, and real solutions. The Debye-Hückel theory for electrolyte solutions. Pitzer equations for real electrolyte solutions. Equilibrium in electrolyte solutions. (1. period)
Part II: Fundamentals of Electrochemistry (3 cr): Conductivity and capacitance. Electrolysis cells and galvanic cells. Potential differences across Liquid junctions. Basics of electrochemical analysis. Electrochemical energy storage: Batteries and fuel cells. Electrodes and electrode reactions. Electrode kinetics: Current-voltage characteristics of charge-transfer reactions. Reaction order. Two laboratory works included (can be conducted remotely with help of videos) (2. period)
Student can conduct both or one of the parts.
- Responsible teacher: Ekaterina Laakso
- Responsible teacher: Eveliina Repo
- Teacher: Eetu Hyvönen
- Teacher: Roosa Karvonen
- Teacher: Ronja Rantalainen
BJ02A1012 Concepts of Analytical and Inorganic Chemistry - Online teaching 4.9.2023-20.10.2023
This course contains two independent modules.1) Inorganic chemistry module is designed to prepare students for further study in inorganic chemistry or, more generally, employment of materials science fields. The content include advanced concepts in structure, reactions, bonding, and chemical/physical properties of inorganic compounds, understanding of which is central to the study of all areas of chemistry. 2) Analytical chemistry module covers design, operational principles and application of modern instrumental methods used in chemical analysis via case studies. There is an eBook for each module, and online interactive assignments. Students will work in small groups on the topics selected. The course is suitable for distance learning.
- Responsible teacher: Maaret Paakkunainen
- Responsible teacher: Tiina Rissanen
- Teacher: Liisa Puro
BJ02A1000 Research Methodology - Verkko-opetus 4.9.2023-30.7.2024
This course includes the use of scientific databases to find research results and knowledge including critical source assessment. The students will make individual or group workshops on selected research topics where they find knowledge of what is known today. They will learn to search the knowledge gap to propose research objectives, to identify promising scientific methods, and to plan for research. Students will learn to process the results to check the reliability of their results and their research hypothesis. Finally, the course will help to present the research results in presentation, thesis, or peer reviewed scientific journals.
- Responsible teacher: Nima Rezaei
- Responsible teacher: Marja Talikka
- Teacher: Anna Kleemola
- Teacher: Riikka Sinisalo
- Teacher: Hanna Värri
BJ02A0060 Laboratory Safety Course - Verkko-opetus 4.9.2023-15.12.2023
In the course it is told how to work safely in laboratory and which risks you should notice. In addition the chemical handling chain is explained and material safety data sheets are read. Different personal protection equipment are shown and how to choose them. The action in emergency and exceptional situations are handled as well as the roles and responsibilities of personnel in organization are discussed.
- Responsible teacher: Liisa Puro
- Teacher: Maaret Paakkunainen
BJ02A0050 Orientation to M.Sc. Studies - Monimuoto-opetus 4.9.2023-15.12.2023
During the course the student will learn about the relevant instructions affecting his/her studies and how to generate a personal study plan. The student will familiarize him/herself with the relevant staff of his/her degree programme and with the services provided by e.g. the Library, Study Services and Career Services.
- Responsible teacher: Ritva Tuunila
- Teacher: Elina Hannikainen-Himanen
- Teacher: Emma Laasonen
- Teacher: Maria Mamelkina
- Teacher: Marja Talikka
- Teacher: Mari Trinidad
- Teacher: Mirka Viitala
- Teacher: Ida-Maria Volturi
BJ02A0041 Master's Thesis and Seminar - Master's Thesis and Seminar 4.9.2023-30.7.2024
The thesis is a research or design project. Students must demonstrate the ability to complete the project independently and following a plan. A report is prepared following the LUT instructions for the Master's thesis.
- Responsible teacher: Ritva Tuunila
- Teacher: Ikenna Anugwom
- Teacher: Amit Bhatnagar
- Teacher: Svetlana Butylina
- Teacher: Ehsan Daneshvar
- Teacher: Mari Kallioinen-Mänttäri
- Teacher: Teemu Kinnarinen
- Teacher: Tuomas Koiranen
- Teacher: Arto Laari
- Teacher: Emma Laasonen
- Teacher: Rama Layek
- Teacher: Mika Mänttäri
- Teacher: Kristian Melin
- Teacher: Joona Nieminen
- Teacher: Jutta Nuortila-Jokinen
- Teacher: Ari Ora
- Teacher: Maaret Paakkunainen
- Teacher: Arto Pihlajamäki
- Teacher: Satu-Pia Reinikainen
- Teacher: Eveliina Repo
- Teacher: Nima Rezaei
- Teacher: Tiina Rissanen
- Teacher: Susana Rodriguez Couto
- Teacher: Tuomo Sainio
- Teacher: Kinga Skalska-Tuomi
- Teacher: Mirka Viitala
- Teacher: Sami Virolainen
BJ01A5061 Entrepreneurship and Career Opportunities in Raw Materials Sector - monimuoto-opetus 30.10.2023-15.12.2023
Most of industrial sectors are facing a new era that requires companies to transform their operations, create new business models and foster a digital culture. In this context, the industry is facing a changing talent landscape, necessitating of new skillsets in their workforce. Companies need to ensure that their staffs are properly constituted to support this transformation process.
During the course, entrepreneurship skills as well as innovative thinking for engineers will be trained using the examples from raw material sector. Case studies will bring the understanding of skills and competences of the future workforce and current trends of the industrial revolution.
- Responsible teacher: Maria Mamelkina
BJ01A5052 Biojalostamot - Monimuoto-opetus 8.1.2024-19.4.2024
Kurssilla käydään läpi: Biojalostamoiden merkitys yhteiskunnalle ja elinkeinoelämälle, sekä esimerkkejä erillaisita biojalostaloista Suomessa ja ulkomailla
-Yleisimmät raaka-aineet Suomessa ja ulkomailla, sisältäen myös yleiset sivutuotteet mm. metsäteollisuudesta
-Eri kuitutuotteiden valmistusprosessit, mm. perinteinen sellu sekä tekstiilikuidut
- Hemisellullosa ligniini ja hiilutuoteiden valmistusprosessit
- Biopolttoaineiden valmistusprosessit ja muutamien kemikaakaalien valmistusprosessit
- Responsible teacher: Kristian Melin
- Teacher: Esko Makkonen
BJ01A5052 Biojalostamot - Monimuoto-opetus 30.10.2023-15.12.2023
Kurssilla käydään läpi: Biojalostamoiden merkitys yhteiskunnalle ja elinkeinoelämälle, sekä esimerkkejä erillaisita biojalostaloista Suomessa ja ulkomailla
-Yleisimmät raaka-aineet Suomessa ja ulkomailla, sisältäen myös yleiset sivutuotteet mm. metsäteollisuudesta
-Eri kuitutuotteiden valmistusprosessit, mm. perinteinen sellu sekä tekstiilikuidut
- Hemisellullosa ligniini ja hiilutuoteiden valmistusprosessit
- Biopolttoaineiden valmistusprosessit ja muutamien kemikaakaalien valmistusprosessit
- Responsible teacher: Kristian Melin
- Teacher: Krista Koljonen
- Teacher: Esko Makkonen
- Teacher: Eveliina Repo
BJ01A5041 Prosessi- ja työturvallisuus - Verkko-opetus 4.3.2024-19.4.2024
Aineiden vaaralliset ominaisuudet ja materiaalivalintojen pääperiaatteet. Prosessiturvallisuus, turvallisuustoimenpiteet ja riskin käsite. Prosessien vaarojen arviointimenetelmät. Työturvallisuuden perusteet prosessityössä.
Toiveissa saada kurssille vierailijaluento
Henkilökohtaisessa harjoitystyössä opiskelija tutustuu tarkemmin vaarojen arviointiin.
- Responsible teacher: Maaret Paakkunainen
BJ01A5030 Prosessisimuloinnin perusteet - Lähiopetus 30.10.2023-22.12.2023
Prosessisimuloinnin käyttö ja perusteet. Prosessin simulointikaavio. Steady-state –simulointi. Simulointiohjelmiston rakenne ja käyttö. Kemian prosessien aine- ja energiataseiden laskenta käyttäen kaupallista kemian alan simulaattoria (Aspen Plus).
- Responsible teacher: Ritva Tuunila
BJ01A5020 Prosessi- ja tehdassuunnittelu - Lähiopetus 4.9.2023-20.10.2023
Suunnittelun lähtötiedot. Prosessisuunnittelun perusteet, metodiikka, vaiheet ja sisältö. Prosessisynteesi ja –analyysi. Prosessikaaviot. Laitesuunnittelu. Materiaalivalinnan perusteet. Sijoitussuunnittelu. Kustannus- ja kannattavuusarviointi. Projektitoiminta.
- Responsible teacher: Ritva Tuunila
- Teacher: Kristian Melin