A370A0001 Johtamisen ja yrittäjyyden perusteet - Verkko-opetus (vain kesäyliopiston opiskelijoille) 6.5.2024-14.6.2024
Johtamisen peruskäsitteet ja – työkalut. Ihmisten ja työyhteisöjen johtaminen. Yrittäjyyteen liittyvät keskeiset peruskäsitteet ja erilaiset yrittäjyyden muodot.
Opintojakso liittyy kestävään kehitykseen.
- Responsible teacher: Markku Ikävalko
- Responsible teacher: Anna Vuorio
A310A0603 Supplier Development and Relationship Management - Verkko-opetus 1.6.2024-31.7.2024
- The concepts and theories of supplier development and supplier relationship management including related sustainability perspectives
- Evolving trends, practices and tools of supplier development and relationship management
- Responsible teacher: Sirpa Multaharju
A220A9001 Master's Thesis, Strategic Finance - Opinnäytetyö ylemmässä korkeakoulututkinnossa 1.6.2024-31.8.2024
The students familiarize themselves with the structure of a Master's thesis, the standards related to the thesis, and plan their own thesis work. The students prepare and present the analysis of the research topic, prepare and present the research plan in the seminar sessions, draw up and present the intermediate version of the thesis (60-70% completed, includes introduction, literature review, research design, and preliminary findings). The students complete a dissertation work on a topic relevant to strategic finance and/or business analytics pre-agreed with the supervisor.
- Responsible teacher: Eero Pätäri
- Lärare: Sheraz Ahmed
- Lärare: Mariia Kozlova
A220A0550 Advanced Decision-making - Luento-opetus 1.6.2024-31.8.2024
Core content: This course covers the main topics of multiple criteria decision making under certainty, uncertainty and risk. The topics discussed during the course therefore include: principles of decision making under certainty, uncertainty, risk and ignorance, multiple criteria decision-making (MCDM) and evaluation methods (TOPSIS, AHP), the use evaluations of absolute and relative type, efficiency assessment models (DEA), game theory (non-cooperative games of two players, cooperative games of two players with/without transferable gains, games against nature), validation of decision support systems and models and sensitivity analysis. MATLAB and Excel are used to build the models and solve assignments, to showcase the practical application of the presented methods. Additional content: fuzzy logic in decision-making is also covered, along with topics such as decision-support systems (DSS), expert systems and optimization. Special content: The course also introduces students to the basics of multiple expert decision-making and reaching consensus.
- Responsible teacher: Jan Stoklasa
A210A0601 Information Systems in Corporate Management and Decision-making - Luento-opetus 1.6.2024-31.8.2024
Core content: corporate information stack, business intelligence, big data, Additional content : controlling in a modern corporation based on IS, intelligent systems in business process development, concepts of optimization, machine learning, neural networks, simulation, and fuzzy logic Special content: importance of visualizing knowledge
- Responsible teacher: Mahinda Mailagaha Kumbure
A130A0140 Kansantaloustieteen perusteet - Verkko-opetus 1.6.2024-31.8.2024
Mikro- ja makrotaloustieteen perusteet. Kysyntä, tarjonta ja markkinatasapaino, tuotanto ja tuotannontekijämarkkinat, julkisen sektorin rooli. Talouskasvu, työttömyys, inflaatio, suhdannevaihtelut, suhdannepolitiikka.
- Responsible teacher: Jorma Sappinen
A365A0251 Organizational Learning - Online teaching 3.6.2024-31.8.2024
The learning path of the course is planned to support students' self-directed learning following the principles of student-centered learning and Problem Based Learning (PBL).
The course consists of the following parts:
- Orientation and introduction,
- Individual literature study: Independent literature study comprising of intensive reading and writing an essay based on the assigned course materials (scientific articles),
- Peer evaluation based on individual literature study in pairs/small groups.
- Reflection
- Responsible teacher: Anna-Maija Nisula
A350A0050 Business Research Methods - Luento-opetus 3.6.2024-31.8.2024
- Basic principles of philosophy of science - The objectives of doing research - Research process - Choice of research methods - The specific features of qualitative and quantitative research - Data gathering, methods, analysis and reporting - Assessing the quality of research
- Responsible teacher: Argyro Almpanopoulou
- Responsible teacher: Mika Vanhala
- Responsible teacher: Jukka Matikainen
A250A2200 Toimiala-analyysi - Lähiopetus 28.10.2024-15.12.2024
Toimiala-analyysin perusteet. Toimiala-analyysin lähtökohtia ja menetelmiä. Toimialojen kehitys. Toimialojen erityispiirteitä.
- Responsible teacher: Ari Jantunen
- Responsible teacher: Amanda Piepponen
A250A0960 Juridinen kirjoittaminen - Kirjallinen työ 1.8.2024-31.7.2025
Yritysjuridiikan ja lainopin perusteet. Oikeudellinen tiedonhankinta ja kirjoittaminen.
- Responsible teacher: Helena Sjögren
A380A7010 Principles of Management and Leadership - Blended teaching 28.10.2024-15.12.2024
The course focuses on planning, organizing, leading, and controlling, management theories, managerial roles, and leadership styles. The topics are discussed in a global context, requiring an ethical and sustainable approach to management and leadership.
- Responsible teacher: Outi Behm
- Responsible teacher: Kirsimarja Blomqvist
- Responsible teacher: Kateryna Kryzhanivska
A380A0700 Principles of Economics - Contact teaching 2.9.2024-20.10.2024
Principles of microeconomics and macroeconomics. Demand, supply and market equilibrium, production and markets for the factors of production, economics of the public sector. Economic growth, unemployment, inflation, economic fluctuations, monetary and fiscal policy.
Introduction to the plurality of schools of economic thought.
- Responsible teacher: Tiia-Lotta Pekkanen
A380A0270 Introduction to International Marketing and Purchasing - Contact teaching 28.10.2024-15.12.2024
Opportunities and challenges in international marketing and purchasing operations. The interconnectedness of marketing and purchasing in a company’s operations. Sustainability considerations in marketing and procurement management in international context. Marketing mix tools and purchasing strategy development tools
- Responsible teacher: Katrina Lintukangas
- Responsible teacher: Liisa-Maija Sainio
A250A0620 Fundamentals of Accounting and Finance - Online teaching 28.10.2024-15.12.2024
The course structure comprises the following topics: basic principles of financial and management accounting concepts; structure and analysis of financial statements; basics of cost accounting and budgeting; fundamentals of corporate finance; valuation of future cash flows; payout policy and capital structure; concepts of risk and return; short-term finance and working capital management; and cost of capital and long-term financial policy.
- Responsible teacher: Henri Huovinen
A130A0670 Mathematics for Economics - Contact teaching 2.9.2024-15.12.2024
Probability theory, equation solving, functions and function behavior analysis, differentiation, integration. Linear algebra, matrix calculations, Gaussian elimination. Functions in business (cost, revenue, profit), financial applications of differential and integral calculus, graphical method of linear optimization. Arithmetic and geometric series, loan and investing calculations.
- Responsible teacher: Olli-Pekka Hämäläinen
- Lärare: Mio Määttä
A130A0030 Introduction to Business Studies - Contact teaching 2.9.2024-20.4.2025
Core content: practical study-related information, learning skills, referencing skills, , time management, library databases and information search, personal study plan and career plan. Additional content: Academic Adventure -day during the first week of studying.
- Responsible teacher: Chukwuka Igboanua
- Responsible teacher: Seyedsina Mortazavibabaheidari
- Lärare: Petri Ajo
- Lärare: Aino Elomäki
- Lärare: Heikki Helppi
- Lärare: Olli Helppi
- Lärare: Jani Kohonen
- Lärare: Milja Parviainen
- Lärare: Riina Saarenvesi
- Lärare: Hanna Salojärvi
- Lärare: Mari Trinidad
- Lärare: Hanna Värri
- Lärare: Ida-Maria Volturi
A220A0651 Valuation of Financial Securities: Theory and Practice - Verkko-opetus 8.1.2024-19.4.2024
Student in this course learn the step-by-step methods of valuation and create an investment analysis report based on their results. The presentations of the produced reports and subsequent findings is an integral part of the course.
The topics include:
Interest rates and yield to maturity determination
discount rate estimation for valuation
cash flow estimation & forecasting using quantitative and fundamental techniques
discounted cash flows models
comparable or relative valuation models
Economic value-addition techniques
Business analytics models for finance
- Responsible teacher: Sheraz Ahmed
A330A5120SS Globalizing Business: How to Become a Global Company? - Luento-opetus 1.7.2024-5.7.2024
The course builds on the theoretical foundations of the corporate strategy research. The focus is on three case studies of major Finnish corporations (KONE corporation, Vaisala corporation, METSO corporation). The case studies open the complexity of the strategic decision making within a company that explores opportunities to transfer from national into global markets.
The core topics are as follows:
1. How companies move from national into international and global markets?
2. How the strategic decision-making process evolves over time and what are the roles and tasks of corporate institutions (CEO, Board of Directors and Executive team)?
3. How companies recognize opportunities and how they build strategic capabilities and competences?
4. What role technology, innovation and specialization play in the strategic decision-making process?
5. What role tradition and history play in the strategic decision making?
- Responsible teacher: Karl-Erik Michelsen
A320A4000SS Critical issues in International Business and Entrepreneurship - Anticipating global challenges managerially and entrepreneurially - Luento-opetus 24.6.2024-28.6.2024
The purpose of this course is to allow the students develop an overview to recent theory but also to relevant challenges and global concerns. The course combines economic, social and environmental sustainability aspects and the UN SDGs with managerial and entrepreneurial issues on international business triggering the students to rethink and critically address ways forwards. Students develop skills and competences to tackle complex real-life problems in collaboration with others while facilitating their entrepreneurial mindsets and sense of purpose. The variety of theory application settings develops global mindsets and fosters students’ sensitivity on diverse aspects international business.
- Responsible teacher: Maria Elo
- Responsible teacher: Hannes Velt