AT00CV13-3004 Kustannushallinnan perusteet 1.8.2024-31.12.2024
Suunnittelu- ja toteutusvaiheen kustannushallinnan perusteet Kustannuslaskennan perusteet, tehtävät ja kustannuksiin vaikuttavat tekijät Rakennuttajan kustannuslaskenta Urakoitsijan kustannuslaskenta -Määrä- ja kustannuslaskennan perusteet - Kohteen kustannuslaskelma ja tarjous Rakennusaikainen kustannushallinta ja jälkilaskenta
- Teacher: Leena Jormanainen

AT00CS53-3004 Digital Twin perusteita eri toimialoille 2.9.2024-15.12.2024
Digital Twin-teknologian läpileikkaus eri toimialoilla. Opintojaksolla käydään läpi myös simuloinnin perusteita. Opintojaksolla tuodaan esiin Digital Twin-teknologian hyötyjä eri toimialoilla ja tulevaisuudennäkymiä. Soveltuu hyvin kaikille tekniikan opiskelijoille ja muille IoT:sta kiinnostuneille. Sisältö: Osio 1/5 Johdanto Digital Twin-teknologiaan Osio 2/5 Simulointi Osio 3/5 Performance Digital Twin, Production Digital Twin, Product Digital Twins Osio 4/5 Virtuaalinen käyttöönotto Osio 5/5 Digital Twin soveltaminen eri toimialoilla, Digital Twin hyödyt liiketoiminnalle, Digital Twin teknologian hyödyntämismahdollisuudet, Tulevaisuuden näkymät Digital Twin-teknologian osalta
- Teacher: Markku Levanen

AT00CM65-3003 ICT's Science 2.9.2024-13.12.2024
Physics: basic electronics, analog and digital, wave physics, heat, Math: calculus
- Teacher: Juha Hyytiäinen
- Teacher: Tommi Veijalainen

AT00CK35-3003 Designing IoT Pipeline 10.9.2024-31.12.2024
The course consists of three sub-areas: - Data structures and Algorithms - IoT Pipeline - IoT Project
- Teacher: Jyrki Antikainen
- Teacher: Jouni Könönen
- Teacher: Karri Miettinen

AT00CK34-3003 Embedded Systems 1.8.2024-31.12.2024
- Sulautettujen järjestelmien sovellutukset eri aloilla - Komponenttien perusteet - Sulautettu ohjelmointi - Signaalien käsittely (digitaalinen ja analoginen I/O) - Sulautetun järjestelmän suunnittelua - Prototyypin kehittäminen
- Teacher: Jouni Könönen
- Teacher: Karri Miettinen

AT00CK32-3004 Introduction to Industrial ICT Engineering 1.8.2024-31.12.2024
The course consists of four sub-areas: - Programming Basics - Digitalisation, ICT and automation - Web Development - Digital Tools and Data
- Teacher: Jyrki Antikainen
- Teacher: Petteri Karkkulainen
- Teacher: Karri Miettinen
- Teacher: Tommi Veijalainen
- Teacher: Mira Vorne

AT00CK12-3003 Material Efficiency and Sustainable Materials 11.9.2024-14.3.2025
The course introduces material flow cost accounting (MFCA) and principles of material efficiency auditing in companies. Sustainable bio-based materials. Recycled and renewable materials circulation will be looked with the concept of industrial symbiosis. Competences The Student will learn: • to understand material flow cost accounting • to know how material efficiency auditing works in practice • to understand how industrial symbioses can bring added value to companies • to familiarizes herself with new innovative materials
- Teacher: Heli Viik

AT00CK11-3003 Circular Economy, Recycling and Waste Management 1.8.2024-31.12.2024
Circular economy - environmental, business and design approaches Circular and efficient material use - EU waste hierarchy, principles of upcycling, recycling and downcycling Retention of material value in the cycles through recycling Waste prevention and recycling in various industries, examples of best practices Recognition of their interlinkages and actions at different levels
- Teacher: Sakari Autio

AT00CK10-3003 Sustainable Water Management 15.9.2024-31.12.2024
Sustainable water management is also an important part of the Sustainable Development Goals and Circular Economy, which will be the integrated and holistic approaches of this course. This course introduces the importance of the hydrological systems in a local and global levels. During the course also human impacts (including climate change) of hydrological cycles are discussed as well as the methods and technologies to minimize detrimental effects especially concentrated to wastewater and sludge treatment. The Student will learn: - to appreciate the principles of sustainable water management in a context of circular economy and sustainable development goals - to understand the importance of hydrological cycles for maintaining environmental and societies well being - to know the main unit processes and technologies to prevent contamination of environment due to the inefficient wastewater and sludge management - to know the factors that effects on the selection of the purification method and plant design of the wastewater treatment
- Teacher: Pia Haapea
- Teacher: Saku Syngelmä

AT00CK09-3003 Environmental Legislation and Policies 1.8.2024-31.12.2024
The course deals with the most important international environmental agreements (e.g. IPCC, Green Deal, UN SDGs, EU’s Circular Economy) and their consequence in operational level actions and will understand the principles of EU’s environmental regulation and legislation system and the Finnish environmental regulation and legislation system as well as their implementation as a part of the EU regulation system.
- Teacher: Terhi Raikas

AT00CH93-3004 Basic Studies in Chemistry 2.9.2024-13.12.2024
- Atomic structure and periodicity - Chemical bonding and structure - Amount of substance (n) and its use in calculations - Chemical reaction equations and their use in calculations - Oxidation and reduction - Acids and bases - Naming organic compounds and functional groups
- Teacher: Tiina Valkonen

AT00CH50-3014 Basic Studies in Physics 2.9.2024-13.12.2024
SI-units, basics of mechanics, vectors, heat as phenomena
- Teacher: Tommi Veijalainen

AT00CH50-3013 Basic Studies in Physics 2.9.2024-31.12.2024
SI-units Basics of mechanics Heat and energy Force and vectors Efficiency
- Teacher: Juha Pere

AT00CH49-3007 Mathematics in Technology 2 9.9.2024-20.12.2024
- Composite and inverse functions - Trigonometric functions and equations - Derivatives of polynomial and rational functions - Derivatives of exponential and logarithmic functions - Derivatives of trigonometric and arc functions - Extremes - Integrals of polynomial functions - Area with integrals - Volume with integrals
- Teacher: Päivi Porras

AT00CH47-3011 Basic studies in mathematics 2.9.2024-13.12.2024
- Basics of SI-system - Percentages - Manipulating expressions - 1st order function, 2nd order function - Pair of equations - Verbal problems - Right triangle, the law of sines and cosines - 2D geometry - 2D vectors
- Teacher: Juha Hyytiäinen

AT00CH47-3010 Basic studies in mathematics 9.9.2024-20.12.2024
- Manipulating expressions - Percentages - Linear and quadratic equations - Pair of equations - Basic trigonometry - 2D geometry - 2D vectors
- Teacher: Päivi Porras