AY00CE71-3015 Developing Professional Competences 1 23.8.2022-20.5.2023
This course will introduce the student: • how to plan their own learning and cooperate in situations related to their own field of studies • how to identify themselves as a learner and develop their own learning skills • ability to recognize their own competence and the needs to develop them further and to plan their career path observing them • how to act as a group member • how to operate in the learning environments of LAB University of Applied Science • knowledge of their own field of studies and its future skills • how to give feedback on tuition and services and thus participate in the development of education • knowledge of working life in Finland
- Teacher: Mia Ekman
- Teacher: Ville Sarpo

AY00CE71-3013 Developing Professional Competences 1 29.8.2022-28.4.2023
This course will introduce the student: • how to plan their own learning and cooperate in situations related to their own field of studies • how to identify themselves as a learner and develop their own learning skills • ability to recognize their own competence and the needs to develop them further and to plan their career path observing them • how to act as a group member • how to operate in the learning environments of LAB University of Applied Science • knowledge of their own field of studies and its future skills • how to give feedback on tuition and services and thus participate in the development of education • knowledge of working life in Finland
- Teacher: Marja Antikainen
- Teacher: Franca Santia

AL00CM24-3001 Back-end työkalut 29.8.2022-31.12.2022
Microsoft ASP.NET ympäristö Microsoft SQL server HTTP-metodit REST rajapinnat Back-end sovellusten rakenne Back-end palveluiden tietoturva Front-end ja Back-end sovellusten yhteistyö
- Teacher: Tommi Kallonen

AL00CM17-3002 Ohjelmoinnin perusteet 2.9.2022-25.11.2022
Ohjelmiston kehitysympäristöt ja työkalut, ohjelmoinnin perusrakenteet, algoritmit
- Teacher: Tommi Kallonen
- Teacher: Pasi Tiihonen

AL00CE37-3006 Customer Relations and Marketing 1.9.2022-31.12.2022
History of marketing. Importance of customer value, value proposition, and customer relationships. Learning how to segment the market and how to do targeting and positioning. Marketing environment: micro- and macro-environments. Marketing communication. Introduction to the marketing planning and marketing mix. Managing customer relationships and customer experience. Role of customer service and personal selling in business.
- Teacher: Emmi Maijanen

AL00CE36-3001 Financial Accounting 1.8.2022-15.12.2022
Accounting obligation Double entry bookkeeping Treatment of stock and fixed assets Financial statements Financial ratios Principles of value-added tax
- Teacher: Riitta Mähönen

AL00CE34-3003 Global Business Environment and Opportunities 5.9.2022-2.12.2022
- Introduction to globalization and internationalization - political, legal and socio-cultural business environment - basics of economics - economic trade areas - role of trade organizations
- Teacher: Tuuli Mirola

AL00CE31-3005 Business Mathematics 1.9.2022-31.12.2022
Note that the beginning of the course may be very simple to some of the students. Please do NOT assume that the whole course would be like that. Understand that some students may have studied mathematics many, many years ago and they don't remember everything. CONTENTS of the COURSE 1) problem solving: * thinking as part of problem solving * equations and proportion: As a repetition for those student who don't either remember or who haven't studied these well earlier. 2) percentage calculation 2.1) Basic cases, % of change, % of comparison, %-units, coefficient of change and the rules of these. note: % of change is the other crucial question in the examination. This topic MUST be handled by everyone. 2.2.) VAT note: VAT is the other crucial question in the examination. This topic MUST be handled by everyone. 2.3.) Contribution margin calculation This topic is most probably new for every student, so attending Teams-session is recommended to everyone. 2.4.) Pricing This topic is new for every student and the topic requires studying. note: attending Teams-session is HIGHLY recommended to everyone. 3) indices 3.1) Simple index series Most probably new for many students. This topic includes self studying part. 3.2.) Using ready made indices: inflation, change in the value of money, real change, index clause This topic is new for every student and the topic requires studying. note: attending Teams-session is HIGHLY recommended to everyone. 4) Simple Interest calculation 4.1) the basics of simple interest calculation 4.2.) Interest (€) and shortly the basics of loans 4.2) interest rate (%) and small loans 4.3) Terms of payment: This topic may include a self studying part BEFORE the lessons. note: Understanding the logic of simple interest calculation is the third crucial question in the examination. This topic MUST be handled by everyone. These topics are new for every student and the topics require studying. note: attending Teams-session is HIGHLY recommended to everyone. GOALS: To gain knowledge of basic mathematics needed in business. To get a good routine to calculation. The desired outcome is that a student who has passed the course with good grade: * understands that in business mathematics being able to calculate technically well is not enough, but instead understanding terminology and thinking in general is an important part of it * remembers the wise techniques of solving equations * knows when and how to use proportion * understands how equations can be used as a help in the process of solving mathematical problems * recognizes the different types of percentage calculation and are able to use those properly * knows by heart how percentage of change should be calculated and understands the reasons for the rules behind it * knows by heart how the price without value-added-tax is calculated and handles the other types of value-added-tax-calculation too * handles the basics of contribution margin calculation * understands how discounts should be taken into account in pricing * understands what is a simple index series, how it is created, when it can be used and how it is interpreted * understands how ready-made index-series are used and what is their connection to phenomenons of business * understands the value of money in sense of relative change and knows how it is calculated * understands the logic of simple interest calculation and is able to calculate simple interest * recognizes different outcomes of interest rate and different terms related to it * understands the concept of real annual interest rate and knows how it is calculated * knows the terms of payment and the rules and the basic legislation related to it The contents and the implementation of the 4th credi
- Teacher: Anu Nuutinen

AL00CE29-3007 Digital Tools 9.9.2022-16.12.2022
Word processing standard layout of documents, styles, LAB report writing guidelines. Basic terms in immaterial property rights (IPR), especially copyright. CreativeCommons licensing system. Copyright Expert Badge. Create professional looking presentations with MS PowerPoint, set timings and other presentation settings. Presenter tools while giving a presentation. Creating spreadsheets with MS Excel. Autosum and other basic functions (SUM, AVERAGE, COUNT, MIN, MAX), copy formula to other rows/columns/worksheets, absolute cell reference, create time series, conditional formatting, create and edit charts, conditional calculation functions (IF, COUNTIF, SUMIF), date and time functions, lookup functions, sort and filter data, Pivot tables and charts.
- Teacher: Petteri Markkanen