CT70A6300 Software Process Management - Luento-opetus 16.1.2023-28.4.2023
The course will introduce and discuss Software Process Management practices emphasising the role of project manager and product owner.
The course will provide knowledge about:
-the different software processes investigating the different phases in detail including maintenance and retirement;
-how to coordinate the development of a software project
-how to interface and interact with a software team and among different software teams.
-how to properly estimate the effort and how to negoziate the cost with the customer
-how to report the results obtained.
- Teacher: Muhammad Hamza
- Teacher: Sonja Hyrynsalmi
CT70A3000 Software Maintenance - Luento-opetus 16.1.2023-28.4.2023
In industrial practice, software developers are often confronted with already existing software systems that need to be maintained, reused or evolved. This requires specific skills to understand the design and implementation of an existing system and which parts need to be modified, to build software systems that are easier to maintain, and to design systems with reuse and evolution in mind from the very start.This course will thus study a variety of techniques, tools and methodologies to help building software systems that are easier to understand, maintain, reuse and evolve.
- Responsible teacher: Prabhat Kumar
- Teacher: Jari Porras
CT60A5531 Software Project Management - Lectures in Lappeenranta 16.1.2023-28.4.2023
The Software Project Management course introduces the fundamentals of project management, beginning with project definition through the post-project review. There will be an emphasis placed on applying project management concepts and techniques to software development projects. The following topics will be covered in the course:
Introduction to Software Project Management
Project Methodologies and Processes
Measurable Organizational Value and the Business Case
Project Managers, Teams, and Stakeholders
Project Scope, Structure, and Scheduling
Project Infrastructure, Resources, and Costs
Managing Project Quality
Managing Project Risks
Project Execution, Completion, and Control
- Responsible teacher: Andrey Saltan
- Responsible teacher: Micheal Tuape
- Teacher: Anastasiia Gurzhii
CT30A2803 User Interfaces and Usability - Luento-opetus 16.1.2023-28.4.2023
Design principles of web and mobile interfaces. Human-centered design process. Understanding users through basic HCI research methods and applying this knowledge in design. Design techniques, such as use cases, prototyping, story-boarding, and usability evaluation. Usability and user experience as concepts. Usability standards in interface design and usability testing. Design patterns and considerations of designing interfaces for modern software systems. Basics of front-end programming for user interfaces.
- Responsible teacher: Antti Knutas
- Responsible teacher: Dominik Siemon
- Teacher: Hasan Mahmud
- Teacher: Natasha Tylosky
CT10A7004 Sustainability and IT - Luento-opetus 16.1.2023-28.4.2023
The course emphasizes the role and impact of IT field and especially software engineering in the sustainable development. The topic is covered through selected books and scientific articles. Students may be divided into small groups that will each study the topic.
- Responsible teacher: Jari Porras
- Teacher: Laura Partanen
CT10A7004 Sustainability and IT - Itsenäinen projekti 7.6.2023-31.8.2023
The course emphasizes the role and impact of IT field and especially software engineering in the sustainable development. The topic is covered through selected books and scientific articles. Students may be divided into small groups that will each study the topic.
- Responsible teacher: Jari Porras
CT10A7004 Sustainability and IT - Itsenäinen projekti 1.9.2022-21.12.2022
The course emphasizes the role and impact of IT field and especially software engineering in the sustainable development. The topic is covered through selected books and scientific articles. Students may be divided into small groups that will each study the topic.
- Responsible teacher: Jari Porras
CT10A0400 Tekniikan kandidaatin tutkinnon työharjoittelu kotimaassa - Harjoittelu 5.9.2022-30.7.2023
Opiskelija hakeutuu yritykseen (kesä)töihin, työskentelee siellä työntekijänä työsuhteessa, pyytää työstä työtodistuksen ja hyväksyttää työn tekniikan kandidaatin tutkinnon harjoitteluksi. Harjoitteluun hyväksyttävän työsuhteen kesto on vähintään 4 viikkoa kokoaikaisessa työsuhteessa. Kandidaatintyön tekemistä ei hyväksytä harjoitteluksi. Harjoittelun tarkastajan harkinnan mukaan harjoitteluksi voidaan hyväksyä myös ennen opintojen alkamista tehty työ, jota ei ole hyväksytty opiskelijan aiempiin tutkintoihin
Katso tarkempia ohjeita: https://elut.lut.fi/fi/opintojen-suorittaminen/tyoharjoittelut/tyoharjoittelut-tekniikan-koulutusohjelmissa
- Responsible teacher: Jouni Ikonen
CT70A9300 Software engineering seminar - Luento-opetus 16.1.2023-28.4.2023
Research reporting. Finding and using software engineering literature. Systematic literature and mapping studies. Selecting a topic for a master thesis. Individual working on the topic that can be related to the master thesis. Writing a research report. Presenting research.
CT70A9140 Software Development Skills: Full-Stack - Online teaching 1.8.2022-30.7.2023
This course aims give students a chance to create unique projects with a hands-on approach.
The course guides students to find their interest in software engineering skills and to help each student find their desired path in software developing in the future. There are also several other Software Development Skill courses available on different topics.
The course gives the student basic understanding of full-stack development. The goal is to create a basic front- and back-end and bundle them together as a complete system.
The focus is to understand the bigger picture and how to bundle different software components together to create a working program. You will learn how to use MEAN-stack as a full stack tool bundle to create an app from scratch.
Course is 100% online self-study.
- Responsible teacher: Erno Vanhala
CT70A9120 Software Development Skills: Mobile - Online teaching 1.8.2022-31.7.2023
This course aims give students a chance to create unique projects with a hands-on approach.
The course guides students to find their interest in software engineering skills and to help each student find their desired path in software developing in the future. There are also several other Software Development Skill courses available on different topics. The goal in this course is to make an Android app with Android Studio. The app should have basic functionality with buttons and views. This course aims to teach the basics of mobile development.
Course is 100% online self-study.
- Responsible teacher: Erno Vanhala
CT70A9110 Software Development Skills: Front-End - Online teaching 1.8.2022-30.7.2023
This course aims give students a chance to create unique projects with a hands-on approach.
The course guides students to find their interest in software engineering skills and to help each student find their desired path in software developing in the future. There are also several other Software Development Skill courses available on different topics.
The goal in this course is to make a responsive webpage using html, CSS and a little JavaScript. These are the basic tools to make today's web-frontend. Students may use Bootstrap or animations in addition. The project focuses only on the layout, styles and the overall structure of the page.
Course is 100% online self-study.
- Responsible teacher: Erno Vanhala
CT60A7322 Software Business Development - Verkko-opetus 1.8.2022-31.7.2023
The course introduces the concepts of business idea, business plan, software business models and strategies, and the software value network.
- Responsible teacher: Sami Hyrynsalmi
CT60A5103 Software Engineering Models and Modeling - Luento-opetus 5.9.2022-16.12.2022
Modeling in Software Engineering Body of Knowledge (SWEBOK). Principles and foundations of software engineering. Prototyping techniques. Object-oriented modeling. Data-centric models. Model-driven architecture (MDA). Modeling techniques. Importance of modeling in software development projects and processes.
- Responsible teacher: Antti Knutas
- Teacher: Taiwo Bamigbala
- Teacher: Tanvir Hasan
CT30A8912 Software and system architectures - Luento-opetus 5.9.2022-16.12.2022
The course centers around software architecture design and meeting the needs of the stakeholders of the system. The contents include basics of software and systems architecture, identifying architecturally significant requirements, designing software architecture with views, and evaluating software architectures. In addition, wider concepts of enterprise architecture and integration are introduced to put architectures in their context. The course includes a large practical design work that goes through these concepts.
- Responsible teacher: Kari Smolander
- Teacher: Stepan Bakhaev
CT10A7011 Running a Software Project - Luento-opetus 16.1.2023-28.4.2023
Students form teams that run a real software project from customer needs to requirements, from implementation to testing. Topics for the projects are generated by 'real' customers based on some theme. The focus of the course is on project management issues from customer interaction (from needs to customer testing) to internal project management. Each team will create a project plan with proper requirements analysis, design and implementation plan ending to real user testing. Teams run their own projects independently but each team needs to present the progress and development plan for the next week on a weekly basis. The project is closed with a written report, a presentation of the project results, and a project post mortem analysis. Delivery of the solution to the customer is required for successful completion of the course.
- Responsible teacher: Shola Oyedeji
- Teacher: Jari Porras
- Teacher: Hatef Shamshiri
CT10A2100 Research Project 1 - Services and Platforms - Luento-opetus 5.9.2022-16.12.2022
This course is the capstone project of the students in Prophet programme. Capstone projects emphasize implementation of a project from requirements to the solution. This project combines the courses of Prophet semester 1 with a practical theme of ICT solutions for SDGs. Student pairs will familiarize themselves to different SDGs, their targets and measures, select one of the SDG targets and provide a practical software solution to the challenge selected.
- Responsible teacher: Jari Porras
CT70A2000 Requirements Engineering - Luento-opetus 5.9.2022-16.12.2022
The focus of this course is in helping the student to choose and apply requirements engineering (RE) techniques to different types of software development situations. The course considers a variety of software development contexts such as bespoke software development, market-driven, and agile development and discusses how these contexts affect the choice of RE techniques. To this end, different RE-related techniques as well as different underlying principles and formats for documenting and maintaining requirements are covered.
- Responsible teacher: Shola Oyedeji
- Teacher: Mikhail Adisa
CT10A9512 Research Design and Methods - Luento-opetus 5.9.2022-16.12.2022
Principles of science and scientific communities. Epistemology and ontology in research. The practical research process. Designing research, research questions and hypotheses. Research methods including qualitative methods, experiments, quantitative methods, and design research. Reporting scientific work.
- Responsible teacher: Kari Smolander
- Teacher: Jaakko Vuolasto
CT60A5500 Quality Assurance in Software Development - Full digi / 100 % verkossa 5.9.2022-16.12.2022
Software quality in software development. Four dimensions of quality (specification, design, development, conformance). Quality management processes. Quality in software construction. Software validation and the role of software verification in SQA. Quality tools. Quality measurement and metrics. Software QA standards. SQA in practise and SQA for small projects.
- Responsible teacher: Azeem Akbar
- Teacher: Wathsala Meepa Gamage